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Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Grit Warratz

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Grit Warratz about her participation in the International Meeting of Sedimentology 2017 in Toulouse, France from 10 to 12 October 2017

From the 10th to the 12th October 2017 I attended the International Meeting of Sedimentology (IMS) hosted in Toulouse (France). The IMS 2017 combined the 33rd International Sedimentological Association (IAS) and the 16th Association des Sédimentologistes Français (ASF). This joint meeting contributed to the advancement of current investigations in fundamental and applied sedimentological research and hosted a wide portfolio of sessions with ca. 1,045 participants.

I was able to attend various lectures and talks in my field of interest, e.g. “Paleo-Environments and Paleo-Climates” or “Sources and Sinks”, which gave new insights into recent sedimentological approaches. Beside the great keynote lectures, main talks and poster sessions, several exhibition stands informed about various companies and societies, i.e., the IAS.

The IMS gave me the opportunity to present my research in the field of Paleoceanography and Sedimentology. I presented a poster and gave a talk in the session “Sediment density flows in siliciclastic, pyroclastic and calciclastic settings: process and product”. With the talk “The influence of deep southern component water at the Argentine continental margin” on Wednesday afternoon, I presented the new findings of my first PhD publication and got the great opportunity to train my presentations skills. I received very positive feedback on my presentation and the project. The poster presentation “Contourite induced turbidity current activity in the Mar del Plata Canyon (Argentine)” on Wednesday evening was also very successful. Many other scientists were interested in our results from the Argentine continental margin, gave hints and asked interesting questions.

On Thursday, I attended the Workshop “How to write a successful paper for Sedimentology or The Depositional Record”. The Chief Editors of Sedimentology and the Depositional Record gave insights into the publishing process and we had the chance to ask specific questions. Since I have already submitted a manuscript to Sedimentology this summer, it was interesting to learn more about the does & don´ts and waiting times.

I would like to thank GLOMAR and the DFG-Research Center / Cluster of Excellence „The Ocean in the Earth System“ for the financial support and the chance to establish new contacts and to gather more information in my field of research.

Grit Warratz Poster at IMS 2017
Grit Warratz at IMS 2017
Grit Warratz at IMS 2017