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Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Aisgo Oguro

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Aisgo Oguro about his participation in the Near Surface Geoscience Congress 2017 at Malmö, Sweden from 3 to 7 September 2017

The Near Surface Geoscience congress in 2017 was held from 3rd to 7th September in Malmö, Sweden. The congress offered three different conferences: 23rd European Environmental and Engineering Geophysics; 2nd European Airbone Electromagnetics Conference, and; 4th Sustainable Earth Sciences Conference.

Each conference had its own technical program which attracted specialists in the conference topics, as well as scientist with a broader near-surface geoscience focus. This combination offered me the opportunity not only to gain more knowledge from my own area of expertise, but also from the other disciplines.

Most of the time I attended the 23rd European Environmental and Engineering Geophysics congress, which offered 16 main topics. Those topics covered different applications on the near surface geophysics. Some sections were directly related to my work field, such as: high-resolution engineering seismic studies, shallow marine geophysics and geophysics for engineering geology, and geotechnical investigations. Other sections were indirectly related, such as: monitoring and characterization of the shallow subsurface, modelling and inversion in near-surface geophysics, and integrated approaches in near-surface geophysics.

I made my contribution on the congress through a poster over the topic of high-resolution engineering seismic studies / shallow marine geophysics. My worked was presented with the title ‘’Quantitative interpretation of shallow sediments through seismic elastic inversion‘’. The work exposed the first application of elastic inversion applied to multi-channel seismic (MCS) data to quantify shallow sediments providing shear attributes, compressional attributes and others.

In summary, my first international conference was a great experience for me. I extended my scientific network and I got valuable feedback from my ongoing research. Therefore, I kindly thanks GLOMAR for the financial support, which allowed me to attend this conference.