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Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Nadine Goldenstein

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Nadine Goldenstein about her participation in the GRC and GRS (Gordon Research Conference and Seminar) on Organic Geochemistry, Holderness, NH, USA, 1 - 18 August 2014

The Gordon Research Conference on Organic Geochemistry (GRC) has a long standing tradition in the field of the Organic Geochemistry. So, for young researchers in our field it is highly recommended to participate in this conference to get to know members of the scientific community from academia as well as industry. The expectations I had for this meeting were therefore, to further my scientific network, to get the opportunity to discuss my recently compiled dataset with other scientists in the field and to gain an overview of the currently discussed ‘cutting edge’ topics in our field. All these expectations were more than fulfilled. In particular, the setup of GRS and GRC at Holderness School, where accommodation and all meals were provided, added another unofficial level of communication to the conference, which offered a highly communicative atmosphere for enhanced interaction with peer grad-students as well as senior scientists.

My scientific contribution to the conference was the presentation of a poster. Thanks to the friendly atmosphere and the small size of the conference discussions at my poster were frequent and there was also time to visit other posters and learn about a variety of topics presented during the poster sessions. One especially positive and highly productive discussion at my poster even resulted in a potential new member for my thesis committee.

After the conference I spent another week at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where I primarily worked with one of my co-authors on finalizing our manuscript. In addition, I got the chance to extensively discuss a just recently compiled dataset with another collaborator at MIT and to set up a publication plan for our joint project. During my stay at the institute, I also met Prof. Dr. Roger Summons, who gave me to opportunity for an oral presentation during a seminar there. Hence, my stay at MIT was highly beneficial for my projects in collaboration with scientists at this institute and I gained an insight into the academic work environment at an US-Institution.

In summary, my attendance at the conference as well as my stay at the MIT were great advantages for my PhD. Therefore, I would like to thank GLOMAR for the possibility to participate in this international conference and to effectively further my collaborative projects.