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Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Linn Schneider

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Linn Schneider about her participation in the Ocean Science Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, 23 - 28 February 2014

The Ocean Science Meeting in the Hawaii Convention Center was the largest international assembly of ocean scientists, engineers, students, educators and policy makers. Just under 5600 participants came together for the scientific exchange in all aspects of oceanography and multidisciplinary topics about the global ocean and society. It was also the most important meeting for the North Atlantic community and two sessions were dedicated exclusively for presentations of North Atlantic research. I had the chance to present the results from the first two years of my PhD in a talk entitled “Variability of Labrador Sea Water exported through Flemish Pass” in the session “156 ‐ Circulation, Mixing and Deep Water Formation in the Deep Basins of the North Atlantic and on the Adjacent Continental Shelves”, which granted a high attendance of international experts of the field and plenty of opportunity for networking. Also the second North Atlantic session “137 – North Atlantic ocean dynamics: from natural fluctuations to externally forced response” offered a high number of interesting talks providing a deeper insight regarding the ‘state of the art’ scientific status of the North Atlantic. Furthermore, the international collaboration OSNAP (Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program) held a workshop which gave an insight in the plans and collective goals of the program. In various other sessions, such as “124 – Boundary currents, eddies, and water mass transformation at high latitudes” I could broaden my oceanographic knowledge and get an overview about the ongoing research in other areas.

The interdisciplinary part of the conference was the tutorials, which provided an opportunity to learn about the central questions, results and methods on topics outside of one’s area of expertise. In a tutorial about the IPCC fifth assessment report for example, the role of the oceans in climate change was highlighted.

I want to thank GLOMAR for the funding, which gave me the chance to participate in this interesting conference, to network and to increase my visibility in the scientific community.