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Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Linn Schneider

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Linn Schneider about her participation in the IAHS - IAPSO - IASPEI Joint Assembly 2013, Gothenburg, Sweden, 22 – 26 July 2013

The IAHS - IAPSO - IASPEI Joint Assembly was a forum for the geophysical disciplines hydrology, oceanography, seismology and physics of the earth interior. With the conference motto “Knowledge for the future” scientists from all over the world were invited to exchange their knowledge of geophysical processes in order to predict and minimize severe effects from global climate change. The International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans (IAPSO) offered eleven different conference sessions, in which various important aspects of physical oceanography were covered. I had the chance to give my first conference talk entitled “Variability of Labrador Sea Water exported through Flemish Pass” in the session “The North Atlantic and climate change”. This was the largest ocean related session of the conference with a high attendance of international experts of the field and therefore the perfect setting to increase my visibility in the scientific community. Some questions after my talk also gave me new food for thought for my project.

Furthermore, from the various talks during other sessions such as “Oceanic Boundary Current Systems”, and “Thermohaline Circulation and Deep Currents” I could gain a deeper insight regarding the ‘state of the art’ scientific status of these topics.

My highlight of the conference was to meet Dr. Blair Greenan from the Bedford Institute of Oceanography (BIO) in Halifax, which is Canada’s largest centre for ocean research. He is the program manager of the Ocean Circulation Section and he agreed that I could work in his group during my research stay abroad. As the BIO is close to my study area, this is a great opportunity for me to discuss my work with the local experts.

I want to thank GLOMAR for the funding, which gave me the chance to participate in this interesting conference, to increase my visibility in the scientific community and to widen my network to overseas.