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Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Igor Venancio

Report of GLOMAR PhD student igor venancio about his participation in the Brazilian Conference on Oceanography (CBO 2016) in Salvador, Brazil from 5 to 9 November 2016

The Brazilian Conference on Oceanography (CBO 2016) took place at the city of Salvador in Brazil from the 5th of November to the 9th of November of 2016. The conference had more 10 thematic sessions with very diverse and interdisciplinary topics.

One of the thematic sessions was Paleoceanography and this was the first time on the history of this conference that a session about paleoceanography was included in the scientific program. In this session, I presented two different studies from my PhD thesis. One was an oral presentation entitled “Orbital and millennial scale changes in thermocline depth and terrigenous supply off northeastern Brazil”. During the talk I answered a question from Prof. Cristiano Chiessi and after the session we continued to discuss the results in the following coffee break.

The second study was presented in the format of a poster and was entitled “Seasonal shell fluxes and oxygen isotopic composition of planktonic foraminifera in the southwestern Atlantic”. During the poster session, I had the opportunity to talk to several researchers from different Brazilian universities. I had a very interesting discussion with Prof. Doriedson Gomes from Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) about changes in phytoplankton community at my study area and how this could be related to my results. During the poster session, I had also the chance to visit other posters and have a look at the work that has been done by Brazilian colleagues in the research field of paleoceanography.

The conference was also an opportunity to build new collaborations with other researchers and to have an idea what are the future challenges and perspectives of marine science in Brazil. For example, during the conference some talks were about the creation of a new national institute of oceanography, which would bring more resources and help develop this research area in Brazil.

Finally, I think that the conference was very successful and I would like to thank GLOMAR for financial support to attend this conference.