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Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

David Kaiser

Report of GLOMAR PhD student David Kaiser about his participation in the ESCA 50 conference 2012, Venice, Italy, 3 - 7 June 2012

The Estuarine, Coastal & Shelf Sciences Association (ECSA) holds several international meetings annually. This 50th meeting was organized in concert with Elsevier, who publish the Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science journal, and there will be three special issues to accommodate papers presented in the conference. ECSA is concerned with a multitude of scientific approaches and this multidisciplinary approach was mirrored in the variety of presentation sessions. These spanned topics from “Ecosystem functioning and structure” and “Ecosystem services and social benefits” to “Anthropogenic change” and “Future proofing the science”. Within sessions, talks were seldom focused on particular biological, chemical or geological aspects, but presented rather comprehensive views of certain processes, problems, or systems.

On the second day of the conference I gave my oral presentation titled “Nutrient and Oxygen Fluxes across the Sediment-water-interface in a Eutrophicated Estuary in South China” in the session called “Nutrient related processes / Systems Analysis”. I presented in the late afternoon to a small but interested audience. Several questions lead into a short discussion about the processes I had investigated and the use of my study for management strategies.

Of particular interest for me was the session on “LOICZ” (Land Ocean Interactions In the Coastal Zone) because this encompasses a wide range of important current scientific approaches and includes the topic of my PhD project, apart from the study I presented. I also attended presentations in sessions concerning society’s benefits from and responsibilities to natural systems. This broadened my knowledge of what has to be and can be done, and how natural sciences contribute to this management. I listened to interesting key note lectures by leading scientists in the field of coastal sciences.

For me this was the first participation in a meeting of this kind. I appreciate the support of GLOMAR, which provided me with the opportunity to present my work to an international audience and discuss with other scientists.