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Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Wiebke Homes

Institution: Leib­niz Cen­tre for Trop­ical Mar­ine Research (ZMT), Bre­men
Office: ZMT, room 3102
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Other webpage(s): Wiebke´s ZMT web page

Wiebke Homes

Doctoral Research Project

Governing Marine Protected Areas for the conservation of marine predators in the German North Sea and in West Africa

My PhD project focuses on the governance of (mobile) Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) as socio-ecological systems for the conservation of marine predators in a seascape that is used for various human purposes such as fishing, offshore energy production and transportation. It is part of a bigger research project called CREATE (Concepts for Reducing Anthropogenic Impacts on the Marine Ecosystem) of the research mission sustainMare.

Multiple stressors exert cumulative effects on marine ecosystems which are already threatened by climate change. In the light of discussions on a new agreement under UNCLOS to protect marine biodiversity on the high seas in 2020, the concept of mobile MPAs (MMPAs) has been suggested as a dynamic approach to comprehensively protect marine biodiversity as species, habitats, and ecological communities shift in a changing ocean environment.

In my research I will examine how MMPAs can be implemented from an institutional perspective, especially with regard to crossing jurisdictional borders. My study object is the predatory harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) as a migratory and the only endemic whale species in the North Sea. This region is an important nursery and foraging ground but population is declining although designated protected areas are in place. First, I will assess its governance structures analysing institutional structures and their change and then conduct an explorative study on MMPA implementation requirements in the North Sea as well as how the following challenges can be overcome for an ecosystem-based and adaptive management of harbour porpoise conservation.

A comparison with marine predator (e.g. sharks) conservation governance in West Africa is envisaged to assess MMPA implementation approaches in regions with differing socio-economic conditions, technological capacities and governance challenges. By preserving healthy marine ecosystems the potential of alleviating poverty can be reduced for local communities.

Thesis Committee

PD Dr. Marion Glaser Leib­niz Cen­tre for Trop­ical Mar­ine Research (ZMT), Bre­men
Prof. Dr. Achim Schlüter Leib­niz Cen­tre for Trop­ical Mar­ine Research (ZMT), Bre­men and Constructor University, Bremen
Dr. Sonja Bejarano Leib­niz Cen­tre for Trop­ical Mar­ine Research (ZMT), Bre­men