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Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

GLOMAR members receive MARUM researc...

MARUM Research Award 2014
Awardees 2013: Tobias Kulgemeyer, Dr. Ines Voigt, Nadine Goldenstein, and Dr. Yann Marcon (from left to right)

On June 2nd, young scientists Tobias Kulgemeyer, Dr. Ines Voigt, Nadine Goldenstein, and Dr. Yann Marcon received this year’s „MARUM Research Award“ for their outstanding scientific studies. The prize is endowed with a total of 3.000 euro.

Dr. Ines Voigt is a GLOMAR alumni. She was awarded for her PhD thesis on „Ocean circulation variability in the western South Atlantic during the Holocene“.
Nadine Goldenstein is a current GLOMAR member. She was awarded for her Master thesis on „Microbial ecology in deep sea hydrothermal vent systems: A novel approach for lipid biomarker studies on hydrothermal sulfide deposits“
