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Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences


GLOMAR BBQ 2012 (c) Ulrike Holzwarth
12 August 2016
Osterdeich, behind Bürgerhaus Weserterrassen

We would like to invite you to our annual GLOMAR summer BBQ at the Weser on Friday, 12 August!


  • Your own grillables
  • Perhaps some beverages
  • If possible your own cutlery and dishes (to reduce trash) and cups if you need them
  • Blankets to sit on
  • Games (Kubb, etc.) are also a good idea. Maybe you also want to bring your guitar or other instrument? Anytime!


BBQs will be there, as well as sauces and some disposable cutlery. Also, we will provide some beer that you can “buy” at cost price, but it might be easier to bring your own. We will also prepare one or the other salad or dessert.

All the best
Your PhD-representatives
Julia, Diana, Thomas, Lennart and Benni