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Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Monthly Research Seminar Theme B

26 March 2014
14.00 - 15.30
MARUM I, room 3030


I would like to purpose you to talk about the context of your PhD project in the broadest sense. I ask each of you to think about it. This implies two parts that are
  1. the scientific context of your project: where does your project fit into your scientific field? What are the 1 or 2 fundamental references you base your study on? What's new about your project?
  2. if it applies at all, the societal context (or implications) of your project.
I don't want you to spend a lot of time on that, just step back and be able to present the context of your project in the broadest sense in 5 minutes maximum. You don't need any document (you can nonetheless have one or two if you really would like to), just few sentences.

All the best,