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Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Monthly Research Seminar - group of 2014

08.12.2017, 15:00
group of 2014

MARUM I, room 0190


Sources of information about jobs in academia, administration and industry
As you are approaching the end of your PhD projects, you need to think about what comes next and take respective steps towards a new research project or a job. Apart from your network, knowledge of research funding programmes and job opportunities are a crucial factor of success. We will use this seminar to share sources of information about jobs in academia, administration and industry. Each of us knows particular websites, portals, newsletters, and other sources of information about job opportunities. The aim of the seminar is to exchange this knowledge and make it available to the entire group. In other words, if each of us shares his/her little “treasure”, we will end up with a big treasure box of information sources about job opportunities that all of us can benefit from.