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Wrap-up of day 1 (by Rachel Brackenridge et al.)

This is our summary of day one,
At an ECORD course at ‘MARUM’
The subject of learning was far from dreary:
‘Climate response to Milankovitch Theory’

Hodell and Mix were the teachers
- World-class climatology preachers.
They lectured us for hours –they must have been mad!
Quaffing much coffee to avoid jet-lag.

First was the topic known as Milankovitch,
Orbital forcing was his climate-change pitch.
The Earth’s axial wobble – named ‘precession’,
Added a 20k year cycle to his vision.

At 41 thousand years, another cycle;
Obliquity – also known as axis angle.
It is closely linked to the 100k trend,
Of eccentricity (or orbital ‘bend’).

All these forcings form a combination,
- A graph over time of insolation.
But alas, when compared with O-eighteen,
Many correlation problems can be seen!

Greenhouse gas and albedo are also key,
When insolation does not match eccentricity.
CO2 may explain the stage 11 problem,
But always more data must be gotten.

The Mid-Pleisto Transition shows a cyclicity switch,
For which may hypothesis may (or may not) fit:
Missing beats in an orbital ‘pace-maker’ perhaps?
Or dynamic collapse due to growing ice-mass?

We conclude after debate that no one model is right,
But that results good and bad can give us insight,
To climate in the future and in the past,
- Next Ice Age predictions have been amassed.

So after a day of squiggly graphs,
Over blue cocktails we had a good laugh,
For orbital forcing we now all know,
Thank you ECORD and Danke Schön!
Wrap-up of day 2 (by Anna Kloss et al.)

Yesterday, it was day two
of the ECORD summer school.
To wrap it up was our task
instead we found unsolved questions to ask.
The focus was set to millennial scales.
We struggled not to get lost in details
about seesaw, models and times
and make even sure that it rhymes.
But we tried our best,
so please listen, and don’t take a rest!
Wrap-up of day 4 (by Rike Zimmermann et al.)

Sea-level changes were the challenge for today,
The last wrap that we give away

Ken and André flew in from the States
To tell us how the story generates

The rise and fall of the sea
- also known as eustasy -
Is essential for the world to be

Wiggly curves to estimate SL change of times before
And whether to sell the house on Jersey Shore…