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Graduate Symposium Career Paths of Marine and Climate Scientists

Profiles of the speakers


Birgit Adam

Affiliation:Max Planck Society, Munich
Business: Science Communication
Alumni of:MPI
Birgit Adam is all about networking, be it in her former research or her career in general. After studying at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg, she continued her interest for networks and studied nutrient webs of Baltic Sea cyanobacteria as a PhD student at the MPI for marine Microbiology in Bremen from 2009 to 2012. But field work alone wouldn’t do the trick for her – she got engaged in the German-wide network of Max Planck PhD students, called PhDnet, which eventually laid the foundation for her career outside of research.

For almost 4 years now, she has been in charge of two major projects focusing on internal communication within the Max Planck Society. As community manager of the internal social network of the Max Planck Society, Birgit is currently busy developing and launching a new digital workplace platform for all 22,000 employees. Additionally, being an alumna herself, she uses her experience to further professionalize the Max Planck Alumni Relations and helps distributing the know-how of Max Planck alumni to early career scientists – kicking off the Max Planck Alumni Association with a three-day networking event.

Sanja Asendorf

Sanja Asendorf
Affiliation:Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen
Business: Laboratory Supply
Background:Environmental Sciences
Alumni of:GLOMAR / MARUM
Sanja graduated in Marine Environmental Sciences at the Carl von Ossietzky-University of Oldenburg, Germany in 2011. Her master project was about the geochemistry of Antarctic sediments and pore waters in regard to global climate changes within the past century. After another scientific project in Antarctica in the 2011/2012 season, Sanja started a PhD at MARUM (Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, Bremen, Germany) where she investigated human induced coastal changes within the past millennium.

Because she realized that the work as a PhD student didn't suit her, she decided to quit after one year. This opened her the possibility to apply for a promising job position at Thermo Fisher Scientific, one of the world's biggest suppliers of laboratory applications.

In April 2014, Sanja joined Thermo Fisher Scientific as an Application Specialist for ICP-OES. There she executes different tasks, for example supporting customers in their everyday questions regarding applications and software, preparing marketing material or giving customer presentations and trainings.

Dr. Kai Chu

Kai Chu
Affiliation:International Marine and Dredging Consultant (IMDC), Antwerp, Belgum
Business: Enginering / Consulting
Alumni of:MARUM / GLOMAR
Dr. Kai Chu is currently a project engineer working at International Marine and Dredging
Consultant (IMDC).

He is originally from China, he studied Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering in China
(Bachelor) and Hydroinformatics in Delft of Netherland (Master). In 2009 he started his PhD project on Morphodynamic Modeling of Coastal Evolution of the German Bight in Glomar of University Bremen.

Finishing his PhD in 2013, he has been working as a project engineer at IMDC in Antwerp of Belgium. In IMDC, he is involved in various water-related projects. The focus of his work is in numerical modelling of hydrodynamics, sediment transport, morphodynamics in the coastal environment.

Dr. Marc Einsporn

Marc Einsporn
Affiliation:AGROLAB Group, Bruckberg
Business: Environmental, Food and Feed Analytics
Background:Biogeochemistry / Business Administration
Alumni of:ZMT
Dr. Marc Einsporn first of all attended a vocational training as chemical laboratory assistant before he started his studies of marine biotechnologies at the University of Applied Sciences in Bremerhaven in 2005. Simultaneously, he started to work for the AWI as a student assistant, where he took part in several national and international scientific expeditions. Thus, he quickly got in touch with manifold scientists and others to feed his general curiosity and enroll his enthusiasm for networking.

In 2007 he was awarded the „swb Netzwerk-Award“, which he took as a milestone to link knowledge, people, science and business. After successful reactivation of the Working Group on Studies and Education of the German Society for Marine Research, he came up with the idea to create an own conference for young marine scientists and engineers and initiated the early stages of YOUMARES.

During his doctoral studies he focused on estuarine biogeochemistry and enteropathogens in an endemic cholera region of West Bengal, India. Therefore, he spent one year in Kolkata and the Sundarban mangrove. After returning to Bremen, he decided to participate in a further master program and attended lectures of management in small and medium sized companies while finishing his PhD in parallel.

After the end of his contract at ZMT, he started to work as Product Manager Environmental, Water and Beverage analysis at the AGROLAB Group. In this position he has been responsible for the development of standards for production, sales, sample taking and customer relations for the business in Europe. Development of new products and sales regions, product definitions, key account management as well as scientific support for customer relations and sales managers. Furthermore, he has been appointed as an examiner for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Munich and Upper Bavaria as well as Lower Bavaria.


Dr. Bevis Fedder

Bevis Fedder
Affiliation:Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT), Bremen
Business: Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Background:Biology and Law
Alumni of:ZMT / Faculty 6 / GLOMAR
Dr. Bevis Fedder is currently working as the head of the Office for Knowledge Exchange at the Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT), Bremen. The ZMT is a research institute devoted to creating a scientific basis for the protection and sustainable use of tropical coastal ecosystems by conducting research, capacity building, and by cooperating with stakeholders from policy, practice, civil society, and industry.

Following the aspiration to become a marine scientist, Bevis started studying biology at the University in Hamburg and specialised on tropical aquatic ecology for his Masters at the ZMT, which he completed in 2007. Recognising the mutual influences between science, policy, law, and society, he decided to broaden his expertise by pursuing a PhD and a PostDoc in marine environmental law (GLOMAR, INTERCOAST, University of Bremen Faculty of Law). His PhD thesis focused on the still evolving legal framework and obligations for science concerning sampling and using marine genetic resources from abroad. He also served a GLOMAR PhD representative during his PhD.

Since April 2014, Bevis is in charge of heading the team of the ZMT Office for Knowledge Exchange. He supports ZMT research in cooperating with non-scientific stakeholders to identify research problems and transfer knowledge and technology to stakeholders, in
order to contribute to solving social-environmental challenges and create impact of ZMT research beyond the academic sphere. He is also responsible for overlooking the ZMT alumni work and advising project leaders on complying with the legal obligations for using marine genetic resources.

Dipl.-Psych. Johannes Fesefeldt

Johannes Fesefeldt
Affiliation:Deutsche Gesellschaft für Personalwesen e.V., Berlin (German Society for Personnel Management)
Business: Human Resource Management
Johannes Fesefeldt is a psychologist working in personnel consulting at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Personalwesen (German Society for Personnel Management) whose statutory members and clients are legal entities, such as government agencies, administrations in the public sector, business enterprises, non-profit organizations and research institutes.

Originally from Lüneburg, he studied Psychology and Philosophy in Kiel. After his graduation in 2011 he collaborated as a HR-evaluator in the Great Place to Work Institute Germany workplace culture benchmark “Germany’s best employer 2012”.

Since 2012 Johannes Fesefeldt is a permanent staff member of the Berlin office of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Personalwesen (dgp). His focus lies on the design and implementation of personnel selection methods, such as psychological tests, interviews and assessment centers (AC). Other topics include training seminars for AC, role-playing, knowledge management, competence modeling and personnel marketing. The clients of dgp are mainly government agencies, e.g. the German Federal Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt).

Dr. Grit Freiwald

Grit Freiwald
Affiliation:IAV GmbH, Gifhorn
Business: (Automobile) Industry / Research and Development
Background:Mathematics / Modelling
Alumni of:AWI / POLMAR
Dr. Grit Freiwald studied mathematics and physics at the Technical University of her home town Berlin. Afterwards, from 2009 to 2012, she was working on a PhD project in physical oceanography at the AWI in Bremerhaven. Her work at the AWI focused on the integration of measurement data of very different types (satellite, in-situ) into various physical numerical ocean models of the North Atlantic and the Southern Ocean. During this time, Grit also spent three months at the CSIRO in Hobart, Tasmania, enabled by a POLMAR stipend.

After continuing work on the same topic for six more months in a Postdoc position at the AWI, Grit changed to IAV GmbH in Gifhorn, situated in the south of Lower Saxony. Here, she develops functions and software for the engine control unit in hybrid vehicles. The tasks in this field are very diversified and challenging, and Grit could already file two patents for her developments.

Grit also is an active member of the DPG (Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft) where she acts as a mentor and supports events.

Dr. Jessika Fuessel

Jessika Fuessel
Affiliation:International Tankers Owner Pollution Federation (ITOPF), London, UK
Business: NGO
Alumni of:MarMic, MARUM
Dr Jessika Fuessel studied Biology at the University of Cologne and joined the international Max Planck Research School MarMic at the MPI Bremen in 2008. Following a postdoctoral researcher position at MARUM, she aimed to apply her experience and knowledge in oceanography to marine pollution issues and accepted a Technical Adviser position with the International Tankers Owner Pollution Federation (ITOPF) in 2014.

ITOPF is a not-for profit organisation based in London that responds to ship sourced spills of oil and other hazardous substances by providing technical advice on response operations. ITOPF Technical Advisers are available to attend shipping related pollution incidents around the globe 24 hours a day throughout the year. Back in the office, they assist with claims analysis and damage assessment, help with setting up contingency plans of countries or companies and get involved in training and education of responders. During her time at ITOPF Jessika attended several spills, exercises and conferences. She focused on risks associated with the increasing shipping traffic in Arctic waters and technical issues that would arise in case of a shipping incident in the extreme cold.

After one year as a technical adviser Jessika decided to continue her scientific career. She is currently working as a research fellow at the National Oceanography Centre Southampton, where she looks into remineralisation processes in the mesopelagic ocean and nitrogen cycling processes associated with marine snow.

Jörn S. Gieseler

Jörn Gieseler
Affiliation:inbiseco, Bremen
Business: Consultancy
Background:Marine Biology
Alumni of:University of Bremen
Jörn S. Gieseler is the founder and director of the international biologists` services – consultancy (inbiseco) that is located in Bremen, Germany.

After his graduation in Marine Sciences at the University of Bremen (2003) he started to work for international marine research institutions and companies (e.g. Southern Egypt and Azores). From 2007 onwards he worked for an international Certification Body in Switzerland being more and more involved in the sustainable and organic seafood production sector. In 2013 he founded the consultancy business company inbiseco that cooperates with business partners and seafood producers worldwide.

Dr. Stefan Grötzschel

Stefan Grötzschel
Affiliation:Ministry for Science, Education and Health; Freie Hansestadt Bremen
Business: Public Administration / Politics
Background:Environmental Engineering/ Microbiology
Alumni of:MPI
Stefan Grötzschel was born in Berlin and holds a Bachelor in Public Administration and a Diploma (Master) in Environmental Engineering.

After graduation he moved to Bremen and joined the microsensor group at the Max-Planck-Institute for his PhD. In a trilateral project with Israel, Palestine and Germany, Stefan investigated oil degradation capabilities of microbial mats. After 3 years as PhD candidate and 2,5 years as postdoc, he moved to Dortmund for a permanent position as scientific officer at the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA). Soon he became responsible for occupational exposure assessment during the implementation phase of the Biocidal Products Directive 98/8/EC. He represented Germany in EU Technical Meetings on Biocides and in several other national and EU expert groups. During that time he was also involved in the implementation of the new EU chemicals regulation REACH.

After the birth of his first child and a parental leave of 6 months, the family went back to Bremen and Stefan became advisor for marine sciences at the Ministry for Science, Education and Health. His field of work includes the largest scientific key area of the Bremen state with all major marine institutes like MARUM, AWI, ZMT and MPI. The main challenge here is to mediate the interests of politics, administration and science.

After the birth of his second child Stefan was on parental leave for 8 months and has been working part-time (60%) since he returned to office.

Barbara Hoffbauer

Barbara Hoffbauer
Affiliation:KEPOS GmbH
Business: Science Management
Fully qualified attorney, many years of experience as personnel manager and human resources developer, working in the field of counseling scientists in their professional orientation process since 2006.
She possesses well-founded insights in the personal requirements imposed on employees in industry and administration and offers a wide range of methods in individual counseling. She has many excellent contacts in various business branches and has numerous successful career examples. She is well qualified for consulting activities, having trained at the Moreno Institute in Stuttgart and with WSFB in Wiesbaden. Moreover, she is a DGfC certified coach.

Dr. Sebastian Hammerschmidt

Sebastian Hammerschmidt
Affiliation:BP plc, UK
Business: Energy Sector / Oil and Gas
Background:Geology / Marine Technology
Alumni of:MARUM / GLOMAR
Dr. Sebastian Hammerschmidt is working as Geologist at BP plc in the UK. BP is one of the world’s leading international oil and gas companies, and employs around 80000 people worldwide to find, develop and produce hydrocarbons and associated petrochemical products.

Originally from Munich, Sebastian started his studies in Bremen in 2006, which he completed with a MSc in Geosciences in 2011. In the same year, he joined the Marine Geotechnics group of MARUM as a PhD student. The PhD project had strong ties to the Integrated Ocean Drilling/International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP), and included participation in several expeditions to the Nankai Trough subduction zone, south-east offshore Japan, to investigate fluid migration within the accretionary complex. During his employment at MARUM, he was also a PhD representative of GLOMAR/MARUM.

After obtaining his PhD in 2014, Sebastian started as “Geoscience Graduate” at BP plc in January 2015. He is working in the Exploration function, where he supports the Eurasia team in identifying new opportunities in the North Sea. Being employed within the Challenge Graduate program, his day to day work includes seismic interpretation and petroleum systems analyses, which is complemented by class room training and field experience.
Outside BP, Sebastian joined the AAPG London committee, which organizes events for young professionals working in the oil & gas industry. He further acts as mentor in the “Career Ready” and the “NERC Centre for Doctoral Training in Oil & Gas” programs.

Dr. Ulrike Holzwarth

Ulrike Holzwarth
Affiliation:life in tides
Studierwerkstatt, University of Bremen
Business: Education, Training and Coaching
Background:Marine Biology and Climate Sciences
Alumni of:MARUM
Dr. Ulrike Holzwarth enjoyed working in academia for many years whilst developing her passion for education and consulting.
Ulrike studied Biology at the Universities of Hohenheim and Bremen where she aquired her Diplom and PhD. After graduation in 2009, she was employed as an Associate Scientist at the graduate school GLOMAR here in Bremen.
Since 2014 Ulrike works as freelance teacher, trainer and coach. She performs seminars and lectures at educational institutions such as the Studierwerkstatt and the Akademie für Weiterbildung at the University of Bremen. Topics range from transferable skills (e.g.
stress- and self-management, learning techniques) to psychology and applied environmental sciences. In her own practice she offers coaching to people in conflict and stressful life situations.
Being self-employed allows Ulrike to optimally integrate her needs for flexibility and individuality.

Priska Hunkeler

Affiliation:LafargeHolcim AG, Switzerland
Business: Building Material Industry
Alumni of:POLMAR / AWI
Priska Hunkeler is a Geophysicist working as a project manager at LafargeHolcim, Switzerland – a company in the building materials industry.

Originally from Lucerne in Switzerland she started her studies in Geology at the University of Berne and later moved to Zurich for her Master studies in Geophysics. In 2011 she started a PhD at the Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Science in the section of Sea Ice Physics. Main topic was further developing a method for the retrieval of sea-ice properties with the geophysical method of electromagnetic induction sounding. The method was used in several field campaigns in the Polar Regions – one major breakthrough was the quantification of the platelet layer below sea ice in Antarctica.

Since 2015 Priska Hunkeler has been working for LarfargeHolcim as a project manager responsible for different challenging projects related to the securement of raw material, such as gravel, sand and crushed stone.

Peter Kohl

Peter Kohl
Affiliation:mediomix GmbH (media agency for scientists)
Business: Science Communication and Services
Peter Kohl works at the science communication agency mediomix and at the Cologne Cluster of excellence CECAD. During his biology studies he worked as a free-lance (science-)writer for the local Newspaper "Rheinpfalz" and "Biologie in unserer Zeit".

During his studies he realized that he loves science in gerneal too much to make a PhD. Instead of becoming an expert in one tiny field he tried to find ways to learn and teach more about different topics regarding different fields of science. Therefore, after his studies he found work at the science communication company mediomix, founded by Dr. Dennis Fink, who is an alumni of MarMic/MPI Bremen.

Right now he is still working part time at mediomix and has another position in the press department of the Cluster of Excellence CECAD. In his talk Peter Kohl would like to show ways to get into the science communication business and ways to get a job without a PhD.

Dr. Iris Menn

Iris Menn
Affiliation:Christoffel Blindenmission (currently)
Greenpeace (formerly)
Business: NGOs / Research Consultancy
Alumni of:AWI
Dr. Iris Menn is program director with Christian Blind Mission (CBM). Christian Blind Mission is an international development organisation, committed to improving the quality of life of people with disabilities in the poorest communities of the world.

Iris is originally from a small village near Marburg/Lahn. She studied biology with a focus on ecology and marine biology in Marburg, Braunschweig and Hamburg. For her diploma and PhD thesis as well as for a post doc position she worked at the Wadden Sea Station Sylt of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research.

For more than 10 years she was working for Greenpeace Germany within the department of oceans, forests and biodiversity. Her work focused on marine conservation issues and specifically on marine reserves and fisheries. Iris passion for freedom, social justice, peace and environmental protection are the main drivers for her long standing Greenpeace commitment. Her responsibilities included campaign strategy development as well as the implementation of national and international campaigns. Under Iris leadership, for example, the global strategy for the marine reserve campaign has been developed for Greenpeace International.

While Iris established the Greenpeace office in Senegal in 2011 the issue of social justice touched her deeply and came more into her focus. Therefore she did beside her professional work a research study for the German International Development Cooperation (GIZ) in Kenya and founded a small NGO supporting the education of orphans and other vulnerable children (

Within CBM she is responsible for the program work which is covering at the moment 672 projects in 65 countries. The focus of CBMs program work lies in the sectors of health, education and livelihood.


Iris Menn berichtet aus der Arktis, Greenpeace Video
„Wir brauchen echte Meeresschutzschutzgebiete“, DRadio
„Der Kampf um den Fisch“, NDR Reportage:
„Schmutzige Shrimps“, NDR Reportage:

Lucas Scheffers

Lucas Scheffers
Affiliation:Royal Philips, Research (Eindhoven Netherlands)
Business: Oral Healthcare Research
Lucas Scheffers is working as research Engineer for the Oral Healthcare department of Philips Research. The Oral Healthcare research group focuses on meaningful innovations in oral health care products and services to improve people’s lives. Philips research is one of the world leading organizations with company funded research focusing amongst others on new innovative consumer electronics products and on home and professional care.

Born in the south of the Netherlands, Lucas studied Biology and completed the master Molecular and Cellular life sciences focused on Fungi at Utrecht University in the Netherlands.
During internships he engaged already with the industry. Further strengthening his choice not to pursue a career in academia by starting as PhD student. Freshly graduated he started working for one year for DSM on a project in enhancing biofuel yield by improving conversion of polysaccharides to glucose by fungi.
Almost three years ago he joined Philips Research in Eindhoven. As he first started only to work temporarily Lucas, immediately he liked it a lot because of the great deal of research going into products he previously was not fully aware of. Luckily he was offered the possibility to stay. Working for Philips research is competitive and in a motivating atmosphere were a lot of research disciplines are meeting and combined to create innovative products.
Lucas finds especially interesting the combination he can use the knowledge from his biology background with the technical solutions under development. Very rewarding is also feeling he got by contributing to the research and development of a product currently on sale in shops aiming to reduce people’s bad breath.

Tim Schröder

Tim Schröder
Affiliation:self employed
Business: Science Journalism
Background:Biology, Marine Physics
Alumni of:University of Oldenburg
Tim Schroeder is a freelance science journalist based in Oldenburg, Germany. Schroeder owns a Diploma in biology and a minor in marine physics. After completing a two-year internship in a regional newspaper he worked as an editor in the science section of the Berliner Zeitung. Since 2001 he has been working as a freelance author, writing for German and Swiss magazines and newspapers such as Financial Times Deutschland, Neue Zürcher Zeitung or the German edition of Scientific American. He also works for companies and research institutes such as the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Max Planck Society and Siemens.

Schroeder’s writing focuses on the natural sciences, technology, applied research, basic research, energy and the environment. He frequently gives workshops and trainings for journalists and scientists.

In 2011 he was awarded the prestigious Georg-von-Holtzbrinck-Prize for Science Journalism. Other prizes followed in 2012 and 2014.

Some articles

Der Reichtum aus der Tiefe
Die ZEIT, 20. Februar 2014
World Ocean Review 2014
Im Packeis tobt das Leben
Die ZEIT, 12. Dezember 2013
The Fate of the Big Rain
Max Planck Research, Januar 2011
The New Age of Electricity - Electric Vehicles
SIEMENS Pictures of the Future, Fall 2011, p. 34-36
Der Mensch - ein Holobiont
Rheinischer Merkur, Nr. 28 / 2010

Dr. André Wischmeyer

Alumni AWI
André Wischmeyer
Affiliation:Busse & Busse, Patent- und Rechtsanwälte (patent agents and lawyers)
Business: Intellectual Property
Alumni of:AWI
Dr. André Wischmeyer is a Patent Attorney at the IP law firm Busse & Busse Patent- und Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB in Osnabrück, Germany.

Originally form Osnabrück he started his studies in Physics at the University of Osnabrück and later moved on to University of Bremen. After his graduation in 1998 he started his PhD at the Alfred- Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Sciences about several aspects of the global Silicon cycle. Part of his research was spent at Romberg Tiburon Center, a research facility of San Francisco State University.

Having finished his PhD by the end of 2002, he started his education to become a patent attorney in the well established law firm of Busse & Busse. This included studies of law at the Hagen distant University as well as studies at the German Patent and Trademark Office and the German Patent Court.

Since 2006 Dr. Wischmeyer has been working as a German Patent Attorney. After passing the European Qualification Examination later on he has also been acting as European Patent Attorney for the above mentioned law firm.

His is now working in every aspect of Intellectual Property with a focus on Patents and Trademarks being registered, used and defended in the world's biggest markets.