Welcome Buddies for new doctoral researchers

Have you just started your doctoral project or are already more experienced but still struggling with some aspects of your new life as a doctoral researcher?
No worries, that’s what the Welcome Buddies are here for! Not so long ago we were newbies too, we remember how many things can be overwhelming when you just started your research project.

PhD welcome buddies
© Brooke Cagle / Unsplash
PhD welcome buddies
© Aw Creative / Unsplash

We would like to help you to get a good start with your life as a doctoral researcher in Bremen and at the University. Maybe you don't know a whole lot of people here yet or maybe you have questions such as

  • Where are the best neighborhoods for students to live?
  • How does the public transport system work?
  • Where to go for sports or where to have a beer in the evening?
  • etc.

The Welcome Buddies for new doctoral researchers are more experienced doctoral researchers who are looking forward to meeting you!

Just send an e-mail to [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript] and we'll find a welcome buddy for you.

We are looking forward to getting to know you!

Your doctoral researcher representatives

PhD welcome buddies
© Helena Lopes / unsplash

Experienced doctoral researchers who would like to volunteer for becoming a buddy are also welcome to contact us.