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The Paleoseminar is an initiative of MARUM Early Career Researchers. It provides an opportunity to present on-going research for discussion and feedback in a relaxed atmosphere.
Anyone who is working on paleo time scales (Holocene to Pre-Cambrian), or associated proxy or model development, is welcome to join.

The ob­jec­tive of the se­mi­nar is to pro­vi­de an op­por­tu­ni­ty for sci­en­ti­fic ex­ch­an­ge and net­wor­king especially, but not excluded to, postgraduate students and Postdocs.
We usual­ly have 1 or 2 spea­kers. Each pre­sen­ta­ti­on is fol­lo­wed by ques­ti­ons and feed­back.

Per­haps you are pre­pa­ring for a con­fe­rence and would like to get feed­back on your talk?
May­be the­re’s a re­cent­ly pu­blis­hed pa­per that might ap­peal to the broa­der group and you would like to lead a dis­cus­sion on it?

The Paleoseminar provides a good opportunity to get constructive feedback from your peers. You can use it, for ex­amp­le, to pre­pa­re for con­fe­rence pre­sen­ta­ti­ons.

Col­le­agues vi­sit­ing MARUM (guest sci­en­tists) are very wel­co­me to join and give pre­sen­ta­ti­ons in this group!

Globorotalia menardii
Foraminifera Globorotalia menardii.
(c): Anna Joy Drury
Temperature reconstruction
Zarriess et al., 2010

Upcoming Seminars

For the Paleoseminar, we usually meet Tuesdays at 11.30h in the MARUM cinema (variations are noted).

Date Presenter / Topic

10 Feb 2023 (11:00 am, Friday!)

María Toyos: A novel approach to estimate long-term mass accumulation rates corrected for syndepositional redistribution in marine sediments


Johnstone, Heather, Dr+49 0421 218-65988GEO 2130[Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]
Mejia Ramirez, Luz Maria, Dr.+49 421 218-65989GEO, 2240[Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]

Sign up for the mailing list if you would like to join the group and get announcements for the seminars.
For further questions or ideas, please contact one of the organisers.

Past Seminars


Presenter / Topic

16 Dec 2021

Ewa Burwicz-Galerne: Exploring seismic control on fluid and gas flux at cold seeps along the North Anatolian Fault (NAF) in the Sea of Marmara

21 Oct 2021 (Thursday! via Zoom)

Blanca Ausín (Universidad Salamanca): Spatiotemporal biases on proxy carriers: moving towards more reliable climate interpretations
21 Sept 2021 (Thursday! via Zoom)

Jing Lyu: Tracing Tasman Leakage since the Middle Miocene

Bryan Niederbockstruck: Regional sea surface temperature variability in the North Pacific during the past 150 ka

7 May 2019

Joël Arnault: (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology): Tagging water through atmosphere, vegetation and soil - a regional model application of precipitation partitioning in the upper Danube river basin

2 April 2019 Tiffany Napier: Revealing interannual precipitation variability during Termination V (~424 ka): The Santa Barbara Basin example
27 March 2018 Rania Abu-Ali: Chemostratigraphy and Paleo-environments of the Upper Cretaceous – Lower Tertiary sedimentary sequence in Safaga area, Red Sea, Egypt (talk)
Charlotte Breitkreuz: A particle filter method to estimate the state of the ocean during the Last Glacial Maximum (poster)
6 March 2018 Martin Bartels: 'Is the regional hydrographic variability during the Holocene reflected in remote glacier-proximal fjords? - A case study from the Wahlenbergfjord (Svalbard)'
20 February 2018 Christian Zeeden: 'Tracing precession and obliquity properties through Earth history'

16 January 2018
(MARUM room 3030!)

Sergey Kotov: 'Enhanced Principal Tensor Analysis as a tool for 3-way geological data reconstructions'

2 November 2017

Joao Marcelo Ballalai: 'Thermocline temperature and salinity changes during Termination II' (presentation of initial data)
1 November 2017 Will Brocas: 'Last interglacial temperature and hydroclimate seasonality from tropical Atlantic corals' (Practice for thesis defence)
16 May 2017 Pepijn Baker: 'Brit­ish-Ir­ish ice sheet dur­ing the LGM con­sist­ent with re­duced north­ward ocean heat trans­port'
Ir­ina Ro­gozh­ina: 'Pa­cific winds pre­vent­ing ice sheet buildup over Siberia dur­ing the Ice Age cli­max'
11 April 2017
Preparation for EGUGeneral Assembly 2017
Anna Joy Drury: 'Late Miocene climate and orbital time scale reconciliation from a deep-sea perspective'
Sri Nandini:
'Historical and Future Caspian Basin Climatic Drivers with the CESM1.2.2 model resolutions (1850-2100)'
30 March 2017
Lu­kas Jonkers: 'Ad­dress­ing eco­lo­gical bias in planc­tonic fo­raminifera prox­ies'
21 March 2017 Sergey Kotov: 'MyDTW: Dy­namic Time Warp­ing pro­gram for strati­graph­ical time series'
21 Feb­ru­ary 2017 Il­ham Bouimetar­han: 'MPT In­dian Ocean cli­mate and Holocene African hy­dro­logy: Run­ning two pro­jects at once'
11 Janu­ary 2017
Hay­ley C. Caw­thra (Coun­cil for Geoscience, South Africa): 'Pleis­to­cene sea-level change, off­shore pa­laeoen­vir­on­ments and the im­plic­a­tions for the evol­u­tion of Homo sapi­ens in south­ern South Africa'
2 December 2016 Preparation for the AGU Fall Meeting 2016
Rebecca Jackson: 'Early deglacial ice margin instability in Baffin Bay not forced by changing oceanic conditions'
22 November 2016 Boris Karatsolis (University of Athens): 'Tracing the Black Sea Water inflow into the North Aegean Sea using coccolithphre assemblages'
17 October 2016
Mariem Saavedra-Pellitero: 'The use of SEM imaging in high latitude coccolithophore studies'
28 September 2016
Lottie Miller: ‘Late Quaternary hydrological changes and vegetation dynamics in SE Africa’
16 August 2016
Preparation for the International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP) 2016
14 July 2016
Christian Zeeden (RWTH Aachen University): 'Loess-paleosol records of the last three climatic cycles - implications for dust accumulation in south-eastern Europe
on orbital and millennial time scales
14 June 2016
Preparation for the Goldschmidt conference
Janett Voigt, poster presentation: 'Dissolution events vs. recrystallisation: Insights from laser ablation derived element/Ca ratios in planktonic foraminifera'
Nina Papadomanolaki: 'Organic carbon burial as a cause of global cooling: a model study for the Mid-Cretaceous Plenus Cold Event'
17 May 2016
Ines Voigt: 'Response of the western equatorial Atlantic to deglacial changes in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation'
10 March 2016
Preparation for IODP / ICDP meeting
Annette Hahn: 'IODP Expedition 355 – Arabian Sea Monsoon'
16 February 2016
Gema Martínez Méndez: 'Intermediate Water Changes off Chile'
8 December 2015
Preparation for AGU Fall Meeting 2015
David De Vleeschouwer: 'A megasplice of globally distributed benthic δ18O records exposes the different astronomical rhythms of the last 35 million years'
24 November 2015
First meeting, introduction and organization
Anna Joy Drury: 'Time Scale Reconciliation - towards an accurate orbital calibration of the late Miocene'