PhD Days 2013

22-23 April 2013
at Schloss Etelsen
group photo
The Bremen PhD Days in Marine Sciences 2013 combined lecture sessions including talks (20 mins) and speed talks (5 mins) and poster sessions. The participants had lots of inspiring discussions on different topics in the various fields of marine sciences.

Keynote lecture

Dr. Axel Szabowski
"How to prepare the next 5 years"


Book awards for best talk and best poster were presented to

Gopika Suresh (IUP / GLOMAR) for her talk "Automatic Detection of Natural Oil Slicks in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images"

Marianna Audfroid-Caldéron (ZMT / GLOMAR) for her poster entitled "Movements of Anableps anableps in a tidal mangrove"

A certificate for best speed talk was awarded to

Hannah Brocke (MPI / GLOMAR) for her presentation entitled "Impact of benthic cyanobacterial mats on coral reefs, Curacao"

The Programme of the Bremen PhD Days in Marine Sciences 2013 was organised by the following PhD students:

William Brocas (GLOMAR / MARUM)[Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]
Hannah Brocke (GLOMAR / MPI)[Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]
Felix Elling (MARUM)[Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]
Sebastian Hammerschmidt (GLOMAR / MARUM)[Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]
Katja Hockun (GLOMAR / MARUM)[Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]