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International Research Training Group ArcTrain

Advisory Group

The ArcTrain Advisory Group provide guidance on the performance and strategic development of the research and training program. It considers and approves annual progress reports presented by ArcTrain speakers and convenes typically once a year, in association with the annual ArcTrain meeting.

The advisory group includes (as of April 2017):

Roberto Racca
Chief Communications Officer, JASCO Research Ltd, Victoria

Stephen Locke
Director, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth

Martin Fortier
Executive Director of ArcticNet Inc., Université Laval

Hans Petter Sejrup
University of Bergen, Coordinator of the EU-Marie Curie Initial Training Network GLANAM

PhD representatives
Jennifer Wesselbaum, Kevin Wiegand and Linda Thielke (Germany)
Charles Brunette and Joshua Evans (Canada)

ArcTrain Speakers
Anne de Vernal (Canada) and Michal Kucera (Germany)

The german PhD representatives Jennifer (left), Kevin and Linda (right).