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Zhang, Xiao

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This web page has not been updated since the former colleague left MARUM.


  • 2014-2009 Ph.D in Geoscience
    University of Bremen, Germany
  • 2009-2007 Master in Atmospheric Science
    University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA
  • 2007-2003 Bachelor in Atmospheric Science
    Nanjing Institute of Meteology, China


  • Zhang, X., Prange, M., Merkel, U. and Schulz, M. (2014) Instability of the Atlantic overturning circulation during Marine Isotope Stage 3. Geophysical Research Letters, 41, doi:10.1002/2014GL060321.
  • Zhang X., M. Prange, S. Steph, M. Butzin, U. Krebs, D. Lunt, K. H. Nisancioglu, W. Park, A. Schmittner, B. Schneider, M. Schulz (2012) Changes in equatorial Pacific thermocline depth in response to Panamanian Seaway closure: Insights from a multi-model study. Earth and Planetary Science Letters., 317-318, 76-84.
  • Mohtadi, M., M. Prange, D. W. Oppo, R. De Pol-Holz, U. Merkel, X. Zhang, S. Steinke, and A. Lückge (2014) North Atlantic forcing of tropical Indian Ocean climate. Nature, 509, 76-80.
  • Handiani, D., A. Paul, M. Prange, U. Merkel, L. Dupont, and X. Zhang (2013) Tropical vegetation response to Heinrich Event 1 as simulated with the UVic ESCM and CCSM3, Climate of the Past, 9, 1683-1696.