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Weiser, Jens

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This web page has not been updated since the former colleague left MARUM.

Research project

Within ArcTrain, I will be working on project HB-08/2: North-Eastern Baffin Bay response to (early) Holocene warming, supervised by Prof. Dr. Dierk Hebbeln (working group Marine Sedimentology).
I will focus on the interaction of warm-water advection from the North Atlantic and the meltwater runoff from the Greenland ice sheet, using a combination of sedimentological, micropalaeontological and geochemical methods. One of the key quistions is if (and if so to what extent) deglacial meltwater supply may have caused a delayed north-eastern Baffin Bay oceanic response to the Holocene insolation maximum.


since 2016 ArcTrain-PhD Candidate, MARUM, Bremen
2012 - 2016 M.Sc. Marine Geosciences, University of Bremen
thesis title: "Late Holocene climate variability off south-western Africa as inferred from sediment elemental composition and nannofossil assemblages" done within RAiN
2013 - 2016 Engineering Geologist, underground GbR, Bremen
2009 - 2012 B.Sc. Geosciences, University of Bremen
thesis title: "Paleoceanographic changes in the Norwegian Sea during the last 15.000 years as derived from coccolithophore assemblages"


Weiser J., Baumann K.-H., Hahn A., Zabel M. (2016): Late Holocene paleoceanographic changes off south-western Africa as inferred from coccolithophore assemblages. Journal of Nannoplankton Research 36 (2): 161–171


12/2013 RV Meteor M102 La Réunion - Walvis Bay
08/2017 RV Maria S. Merian MSM66 Nuuk - Reykjavik


15th International Nannoplankton Association Meeting (Bohol, Phillippines, March 7-16th, 2015)

Jens Weiser, Karl-Heinz Baumann, & Matthias Zabel:

Late Holocene Climate Variability off South-Western Africa as inferred from Coccolithophore Assemblages and Sediment Elemental Composition (poster)

POLAR 2018 (Davos, Switzerland, 15.-26.6.2018)

Jens Weiser & Dierk Hebbeln:

Widespread fine-grained sedimentation in Melville Bay: Evidence for a huge meltwater event? (poster)

ICP13 (Sydney, 02.-06.09.2019)

Jens Weiser, Annalena Antonia Lochte, Jürgen Titschack, Ian Nicholas McCave, Markus Kienast, Dierk Hebbeln:

Holocene variability in Atlantic Water advection to northern Labrador Sea (poster)