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Dr. Irina Rogozhina

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This web page has not been updated since the former colleague left MARUM.


  • Coordinator of the multinational research initiative IceGeoHeat
  • Leader of the modeling component in the Swedish-US-German-UK-Norwegian project MAGIC-DML
  • Investigator in the international project Central Asia Paleoglaciology Project led by Stockholm and Purdue Universities

Re­search in­terests

  • The Cryosphere: Dynamics of glaciers and ice sheets, responses of ice masses to climate and ocean evolution, interaction between ice masses, atmosphere, ocean and solid Earth
  • The Interior of the Earth: Reconstruction of the terrestrial heat flow in ice-covered regions, Earth’s mantle rheology, mantle convection, mantle/continent interaction, mantle plumes
  • Paleoclimate modeling and proxy data
  • Applied mathematics


    • From August 2018: Associate Professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology
    • Since Feb 2016: Research scientist at MARUM, University of Bremen
    • Since May 2016: Teaching assistant of Prof. Dr. Marta Pérez-Gussinyé
    • Feb 2016 - July 2017: Guest scientist at Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
    • Jan 2009 - Jan 2016: Research scientist at Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
    • 2003–2007: Doctorate studies in Geophysics at Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
    • 2002–2003: Research scientist at Institute of Physics of the Earth, RAS, Moscow
    • 2000–2003: Research assistant at Department of Mathematical Pattern Recognition and Methods of Combinatorial Analysis, Dorodnicyn Computing Centre, Moscow

Su­per­vi­si­on of PhD stu­dents/​Post­Docs

  • Martim Mas e Braga (2018 - 2022)
  • Jennifer Newall (2015 - 2020)
  • Anthony Osei Tutu (2014 - 2017)
  • Jorge Bernales (2013 - 2017; 2018 -2021)
  • Olga Erokhina (2015 - 2016)
  • Julien Seguinot (2013 - 2014)

Mee­ting or­ga­niza­t­i­on/​Com­mis­si­on of trust

    • Since 2018: Editor of Climate of the Past
    • Since 2018: Review editor of Frontiers in Earth Science and Marine Science
    • 2014 - 2018: Convener of the CR/GM session “Reconstructing paleo ice dynamics: Comparing and combining field-based evidence and numerical modelling”, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria
    • 2015: Co-convener of the session P17 “Reconstructing paleo ice dynamics: Comparing and combining field-based evidence with ice sheet and climate modelling”, XIX INQUA Congress, Nagoya, Japan
    • 2013: Co-convener of GD Session “Geothermal Heat Flow: Linking Earth's Deep Interior and Surface Processes”, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria
    • 2012: Co-convener of GD Session “Crustal heatflow and its influence on the Earth system”, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria


Blom­din, R., Stro­even, A.P., Har­bor, J.M., Gri­ben­ski, N., Caf­fee, M.W., Heyman, J., Ro­goz­hi­na, I., Iva­nov, M.N., Pe­tra­kov, D.A., Walt­her, M., Ru­doy, A.N., Zhang, W., Alex­an­der, O., Hät­te­strand , C., Lif­ton, N.A., and K.N. Jans­son (2018). Dy­na­mics and ti­ming of gla­cia­ti­on in the Ikh-Tur­gen Moun­ta­ins, Al­tai Moun­ta­ins, High Asia. Qua­tern­ary Geo­chro­no­lo­gy, 47, 54 -71.

Osei Tutu, A., So­bo­lev, S., Stein­ber­ger, B., Po­pov, A., and I. Ro­goz­hi­na (2018). Eva­lua­ting the in­flu­ence of pla­te boun­da­ry fric­tion and mant­le vis­co­si­ty on pla­te ve­lo­ci­ties. Geo­che­mis­try Geo­phy­sics Geo­sys­tems (G3), 19, 642–666. https://​​10.1002/​2017G­C007112.

Osei Tutu, A., Stein­ber­ger, B., So­bo­lev, S. V., Ro­goz­hi­na, I., and Po­pov, A. A. (2018). Ef­fects of up­per mant­le he­te­ro­gen­ei­ties on li­thos­phe­ric stress field and dy­na­mic to­po­gra­phy. So­lid Earth, 9, 649-668.

Ber­na­les, J., Ro­goz­hi­na, I., and M. Tho­mas (2017). Mel­ting and free­zing un­der Ant­arc­tic ice shel­ves from ice sheet mo­de­ling. Jour­nal of Gla­cio­lo­gy, doi: 10.1017/​jog.2017.42.

Erok­hi­na, O., Ro­goz­hi­na, I., Pran­ge, M., Bak­ker, P., Ber­na­les, J., Paul, A., and M. Schulz (2017). De­pen­dence of slo­pe lap­se rate over the Green­land Ice Sheet on back­ground cli­ma­te. Jour­nal of Gla­cio­lo­gy, 63(239), 568 - 572.

Ber­na­les, J., Ro­goz­hi­na, I., Gre­ve, R., and M. Tho­mas (2017). Com­pa­ri­son of hy­brid sche­mes for the com­bi­na­ti­on of Shal­low Ap­pro­xi­ma­ti­ons in nu­me­ri­cal si­mu­la­ti­ons of the Ant­arc­tic Ice Sheet. The Cryo­s­phe­re, 11, 247 – 265.

Blom­din, R., Stro­even, A. P., Har­bor, J. M., Lif­ton, N. A., Heyman, J., Gri­ben­ski, N., Pe­tra­kov, D. A., Caf­fee, M. W., Iva­nov, M. N., Hät­te­strand, C., Ro­goz­hi­na, I. and R. Usub­aliev (2016). Eva­lua­ting the ti­ming of for­mer gla­cier ex­pan­si­ons in the Tian Shan: a key step towards ro­bust spa­ti­al cor­re­la­ti­ons. Qua­tern­ary Sci­ence Re­views, 153, 78 - 96.

Ro­goz­hi­na, I., Pe­tru­nin, A. G., Vaug­han, A. P. M., Ka­ban, M. K., John­son, J. V., Stein­ber­ger, B., Cal­ov, R., Ri­ckers, F., Tho­mas, M., and I. Kou­la­kov (2016). Mel­ting at the base of the Green­land Ice Sheet ex­plai­ned by Ice­land hot­spot his­to­ry. Na­tu­re Geo­sci­ence, 9, 366 - 369.

Se­gui­not, J., Ro­goz­hi­na, I., Stro­even, A. P., Mar­gold, M., and J. Kle­man (2016). Nu­me­ri­cal si­mu­la­ti­ons of the Cor­dil­leran ice sheet through the last gla­ci­al cy­cle. The Cryo­s­phe­re, 10, 639 – 664.

Kuhl­mann, J., Ro­goz­hi­na, I., Dill, R., Berg­mann-Wolf, I., and M. Tho­mas (2015). A Me­thod For Re­con­struc­ting Glo­bal Oce­an-In­du­ced Sur­face Dis­pla­ce­ments From Land-Ba­sed In-Situ Sta­ti­ons. Jour­nal of Geo­dy­na­mics, 83, 18-27.

de Boer, B., Do­lan, A. M., Ber­na­les, J., Gas­son, E., Goel­zer, H., Gol­ledge, N. R., Sut­ter, J., Huy­brechts, P., Loh­mann, G., Ro­goz­hi­na, I., Abe-Ou­chi, A., Sai­to, F., and R. S. W. van de Wal (2015): Si­mu­la­ting the Ant­arc­tic ice sheet in the Late-Plio­ce­ne warm pe­ri­od: PLIS­MIP-ANT, an ice-sheet mo­del in­ter­com­pa­ri­son pro­ject. The Cryo­s­phe­re, 9, 881 -903.

Lif­ton, N., Beel, C., Hät­te­strand, C, Kas­sab, C., Ro­goz­hi­na, I., Heer­mance, R., Os­kin, M., Bur­bank, D., Blom­din, R., Gri­ben­ski, N., Caf­fee, M., Go­eh­ring, B. M., Heyman, J., Iva­nov, M., Li, Y., Li, Y., Pe­tra­kov, D., Usub­aliev, R., Co­di­le­an, A., Chen, Y., Har­bor, J., and A. Stro­even (2014). Cons­traints on the late Qua­tern­ary gla­ci­al his­to­ry of the In­yl­chek and Sary-Dzaz val­leys from in situ cos­mo­ge­nic 10Be and 26Al, eas­tern Kyr­gyz Tian Shan. Qua­tern­ary Sci­ence Re­views, 101, 77-90.

Ro­goz­hi­na, I., and D. Rau (2014). Vi­tal role of dai­ly tem­pe­ra­tu­re va­ria­bi­li­ty in sur­face mass ba­lan­ce pa­ra­me­te­riza­t­i­ons of the Green­land Ice Sheet. The Cryo­s­phe­re, 8, 575 – 585.

Se­gui­not, J., and I. Ro­goz­hi­na (2014). Dai­ly tem­pe­ra­tu­re va­ria­bi­li­ty pre­de­ter­mi­ned by ther­mal con­di­ti­ons over ice sheet sur­faces. Jour­nal of Gla­cio­lo­gy, 60, 221.

Se­gui­not, J., Khrou­lev, C., Ro­goz­hi­na, I., Stro­even, A. P., and Q. Zhang (2014). The ef­fect of cli­ma­te for­cing on nu­me­ri­cal si­mu­la­ti­ons of the Cor­dil­leran ice sheet at the Last Gla­ci­al Ma­xi­mum. The Cryo­s­phe­re, 8, 1087-1103.

Pe­tru­nin, A. G., Ro­goz­hi­na, I., Vaug­han, A. P. M., Kuk­ko­nen, I. T., Ka­ban, M. K., Kou­la­kov, I., and M. Tho­mas (2013). Heat flux va­ria­ti­ons be­ne­ath cen­tral Green­lan­d’s ice due to ano­ma­lous­ly thin li­thos­phe­re. Na­tu­re Geo­sci­ence, 6, 746–750.

Pe­tru­nin, A., Ka­ban, M., Ro­goz­hi­na, I., and V. Tru­bit­syn (2013). Re­vi­sing the spec­tral me­thod as ap­p­lied to mo­de­ling mant­le dy­na­mics. Geo­che­mis­try Geo­phy­sics Geo­sys­tems (G3), 14, 9, 3691-3702.

Ro­goz­hi­na, I., Ha­ge­doorn, J. M., Mar­ti­nec, Z., Fle­ming, K., Soucek, O., Gre­ve, R., and M. Tho­mas (2012). Ef­fects of un­cer­tain­ties in the geo­ther­mal heat flux dis­tri­bu­ti­on on the Green­land Ice Sheet: An as­sess­ment of exis­ting heat flow mo­dels, Jour­nal of Geo­phy­si­cal Re­se­arch, 117, F02025.

Ro­goz­hi­na, I., Mar­ti­nec, Z., Ha­ge­doorn, J. M., Tho­mas, M., and K. Fle­ming (2011). On the long-term me­mo­ry of the Green­land Ice Sheet, Jour­nal of Geo­phy­si­cal Re­se­arch, 116, F01011.

Tru­bit­syn, V., Ro­goz­hi­na, I., and M. Ka­ban (2008). On a spec­tral me­thod of sol­ving the Sto­kes equa­ti­on. Phy­sics of the So­lid Earth, 44, 1, 18-25.

Ka­ban, M., Ro­goz­hi­na, I., and V. Tru­bit­syn (2007). Im­port­an­ce of la­te­ral vis­co­si­ty va­ria­ti­ons in the who­le mant­le for mo­del­ling of the dy­na­mic geo­id and sur­face ve­lo­ci­ties. Jour­nal of Geo­dy­na­mics, 43, 2, 262-273.