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Dr. Alexander Rösner

Archived Page

This web page has not been updated since the former colleague left MARUM.

Research Interests

My research covers a wide range of geohazard-related phenomena, e.g., earthquake nucleation & propagation, submarine landslides, and tsunamis. I am involved in three projects scattered around the world:

  • Lake Lucerne (Switzerland)
  • offshore Nice (France)
  • offshore the Kii peninsula (Japan – Kumano drilling transect)

These study areas have a long record of historically documented geohazards, causing casualties and infrastructural damage to the nearby coast. By combining various methods such as geophysical in-situ measurements, coring, laboratory experiments, and long-term observations, the overall goal is to better understand geohazards' physics.

Lake Tsunamis: Causes, Controls, and Hazard - Lake Lucerne (Singeria Project)

The project aims at unraveling the trigger mechanisms, preconditions, processes, and impacts of lake tsunamis, a so-far underexplored natural hazard. General tsunami research has traditionally focused on the large ocean megatsunamis; however, historic chronicles document clearly that waves of similar heights also occur on lakes, potentially causing widespread coastal damage and even casualties. With a detailed historical database and its extensive previous limnogeologic and paleoseismic research, Central Switzerland offers an outstanding field laboratory to assess the relevant lake-tsunami processes. Results are anticipated to be applicable to other lake districts, and as added bonus, the gained knowledge of underlying processes will contribute to a better general understanding of mass-movement induced tsunami waves in the marine realm

Slope Stability - offshore Nice

The shallow Nice submarine slope is notorious for the 1979 tsunamigenic landslide that caused casualties and severe infrastructural damage. It is most likely one of the best-studied submarine landslides in the world. Nevertheless, the trigger mechanism for the slide was never resolved undoubtedly. Furthermore, the risk potential for future submarine landslides, e.g., triggered by earthquakes, high river discharge, and changing sedimentation patterns, is not well understood. I am working on a slope stability study assessing the slope stability offshore Nice during an Mw ~6 earthquake.

Earthquake Mechanics - Kumano Drilling Transect offshore Japan

The Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiment (NanTroSEIZE); a multi expedition International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) drilling project offshore Japan, was designed to investigate fault mechanics and seismogenesis along the Kumano Transect offshore the Kii Peninsula. For 1300 years, devastating tsunamigenic earthquakes are documented for the Nankai Trough with recurrence intervals of 90 – 150 years. In the last century, two megathrust earthquakes 1944 Tonankai (Mw 8.1) and 1946 Nankaido (Mw 8.3), nucleated in the Nankai Trough. I am using core samples from different fractures zones in the Nankai Trough subduction zone to evaluate the velocity dependency of frictional behavior of preexisting fault and wall rock. Moreover, my project incorporates pressure and temperature data time series measured in various boreholes along the Nankai Trough. Based on this data, long-term transients can be analyzed.

In the projects mentioned above, I am using various tools, methods, and experiments.

  • Deep-sea observatories
  • Long-term pressure and temperature monitoring
  • Time series analysis
  • Seismic imaging
  • Bathymetry
  • Coring (gravity coring, piston coring, drilling)
  • Geotechnical experiments, e.g., Triaxial, Rotary shear, and Direct shear experiments
  • Velocity step and Slide-Hold-Slide friction experiments
  • and many more …

Expeditions & Trainings




2018 R/V CHIKYU IODP Exp. 380
-NanTroSEIZE Stage 3: Frontal Thrust Long-Term Borehole Monitor­ing System (LTBMS) [Japan]
2016 R/V SONNE (SO251) EAGER Japan
-Extreme events archived in the gelogical record of Japan’s subduction margins [Japan]
2016 R/V CHIKYU IODP Exp. 365 Samplingparty [Japan]
2016 R/V CHIKYU IODP Exp. 365
-NanTroSEIZE Stage 3: Shal­low Megas­play Long-Term Borehole Monitor­ing System (LTBMS) [Japan]
2015 R/V L'EUROPE STEP 5 [France]
2014 R/V POLARSTERN (PS88.1) Training Cruise
-Sediment Acoustics Training [Germany/Spain]
2014 R/V ALKOR (AL446) Training Cruise
-Advanced Marine Geophysical Training [Germany/Baltic Sea]
2014 R/V POSEIDON (PO472) NORGeotech [Norway]

Publications & Conference Contributions



Wu, T.-W., Wiemer, G., Moernaut, J., Molenaar, A., Szczuciński, W., Ikehara, K., Roesner, A., Schwestermann, T., Hüpers, A., Haghipour, N., Strasser M., Kopf, A., UNDER REVIEW., Extremely elevated shear strength caused by diatoms on active margin slope sediments offshore north-eastern Japan, Marine Geology

Stanislowski, K., Roesner, A., Ikari, M.J., UNDER REVIEW., Implications for megathrust slip behavior, pore-fluid pressure, and locking state at the shallow northern Cascadia subduction zone from laboratory friction experiments, Earth and Planetary Science Letters

Roesner, A., Ikari, M.J., Saffer ,D.M., Stanislowski, K., Eijsink, A.M., Kopf, A.J., 2020., Friction experiments under in-situ stress reveals unexpected velocity-weakening in Nankai accretionary prism samples. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 538, 116180.


Roesner, A., Wiemer, G., Kreiter, S., Wenau, S., Wu, T-W., Courboulex, F., Spiess, V., Kopf, A., 2018., Impact of seismicity on Nice slope stability—Ligurian Basin, SE France: a geotechnical revisit. Landslides 13, p. 119. DOI: 10.1007/s10346-018-1060-7.

Kinoshita, C., Saffer, D., Kopf, A., Roesner, A., Wallace, L.M., Araki, E., Kimura, T., Machida, Y., Kobayashi, R., Davis, E., Toczko, S., Carr, S., 2018., Changes in Physical Properties of the Nankai Trough Megasplay Fault Induced by Earthquakes, Detected by Continuous Pressure Monitoring. J. Geophys. Res. 27 (2), 119. 10.1002/2017JB014924.

Becker, K., Kinoshita, M., Toczko, S., and the Expedition 380 Scientists, 2018., NanTroSEIZE Stage 3: Frontal Thrust Long-Term Borehole Monitoring System (LTBMS). Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 380: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program).​10.14379/​iodp.proc.380.2018


Araki, E., Saffer, D.M., Kopf, A.J., Wallace, L.M., Kimura, T., Machida, Y., Ide, S., Davis, E., IODP Expedition 365 shipboard scientist, 2017., Recurring and triggered slow-slip events near the trench at the Nankai Trough subduction megathrust. Science 356, 1157–1160. 10.1126/science.aan3120.

Saffer, D., Kopf, A., Toczko, S., and the Expedition 365 Scientists, 2017., NanTroSEIZE Stage 3: Shallow Megasplay Long-Term Borehole Monitoring System. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 365: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program).​10.14379/​iodp.proc.365.2017


Wallace, L.M., Araki, E., Saffer, D., Wang, X., Roesner, A., Kopf, A., Nakanishi, A., Power, W., Kobayashi, R., Kinoshita, C., Toczko, S., Kimura, T., Machida, Y., Carr, S., 2016., Near-field observations of an offshore M w 6.0 earthquake from an integrated seafloor and subseafloor monitoring network at the Nankai Trough, southwest Japan. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth 121 (11), 8338–8351. 10.1002/2016JB013417 .

Conference Posters

Roesner, A., Ikari, M.J., Hüpers, A., Kopf, A.J., 2019. Slip-dependent weakening revealed for a shallow
megasplay fault in the Nankai subduction zone. Poster Abstract, EGU General Assembly 2020, 04.-08. May 2020

Roesner, A., Ikari, M.J., Stanislowski, K., Kopf, A.J., 2019. Frictional healing of the Nankai frontal thrust and megasplay fault - Bridging the gap between laboratory and in-situ data. Poster Abstract, EGU General Assembly 2019, 07.-12. April 2019

Roesner, A., Ikari, M.J., Saffer, D., Stanislowski, K., Eijsink, A.M., Kopf, A.J., 2018. Frictional properties of the Nankai Trough frontal thrust and megasplay fault – Potential for shallow unstable slip. Poster Abstract, AGU Fall Meeting 2018, 10.-14. December 2018

Roesner, A., Kopf, A., Davis, E.E., Saffer, D., Kinoshita, C., Toczko, S., Expedition 365 Scientists, 2017. Investigation of tidal-induced poroelastic responses at IODP Sites C0010 and C0002 along the Kumano Transect - SE Japan. Poster Abstract, JPGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, 20.-25. May 2017

Roesner, A., Kopf, A., Saffer, D., Toczko, S., Expedition 365 Scientists, 2017. Formation fluid pressure and temperature transients along the Nankai Trough Kumano Transect - SE Japan. Poster Abstract, IODP-ICDP Kolloquium 2017, 14.-16. March 2017