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Oberle, Ferdinand

Archived Page

This web page has not been updated since the former colleague left MARUM.

My cur­rent re­se­arch fo­cu­ses on the quan­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of the long-term an­thro­po­ge­nic and na­tu­ral ef­fects of se­di­ment re­sus­pen­si­on on the con­ti­nen­tal shelf. In es­sence, the cur­rent pro­ject can be sub­di­vi­ded into three ele­men­tal steps re­pre­sen­ting the spe­ci­fic as­pects of my sci­en­ti­fic aim: The first step is an in-depth un­der­stan­ding of the exis­ting sour­ce-to-sink se­di­ment dy­na­mics of my stu­dy area (NW Ibe­ri­an shelf) in­clu­ding the are­a’s vo­lu­metric se­di­ment bud­get; the se­cond step aims at quan­ti­ta­tive­ly de­fi­ning the im­pact of na­tu­ral forces such as wa­ves and cur­rents ef­fec­ting the depo­cen­ter; the third step is a quan­ti­ta­ti­ve as­sess­ment of the an­thro­po­ge­nic in­flu­ence, na­me­ly bot­tom traw­ling, to the shelf sys­tem.

Whi­le I em­ploy tra­di­tio­nal se­di­men­to­lo­gi­cal me­thods in my re­se­arch, my pas­si­on lies in thin­king outs­ide of the box. In the broa­dest sen­se I am in­te­rested in bridging the gaps bet­ween the dif­fe­rent fiel­ds wi­t­hin the ma­ri­ne sci­en­ces and by do­ing so de­ve­lo­ping new ap­proa­ches to my core field Ma­ri­ne Se­di­men­to­lo­gy. Crea­ting new view­points and me­thods and ad­ap­t­ing me­thods from com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent sci­en­ti­fic fiel­ds is what ex­ci­tes me. In a si­mi­lar way I con­sider my teaching an in­te­gral part of re­se­arch be­cau­se in­for­ma­ti­on re­cipro­cal­ly trans­cends the walls of the li­bra­ries, la­bo­ra­to­ries and re­se­arch ves­sels to all par­ties in­vol­ved.

For a com­ple­te up­dated list of my pu­blis­hed work plea­se go to: