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Natoo, Nilima

Archived Page

This web page has not been updated since the former colleague left MARUM.

Research interests

in general

  • to optimize the computational cost of high resolution regional models using nesting technique
  • to understand the air-sea dynamics of sub-tropical and tropical zones
  • to model fate of pollutants and determine assimilation capacity of the environment

region specific

  • to model the Indian subcontinent and develop scenarios of future changes in (a) freshwater resources of the Himalayan region, (b) storminess of the Bay of Bengal region
  • to enrich the already set coupled atmosphere-ocean Southwest Pacific ocean model with sediment and wave models

Current state of PhD project

Thesis title and objectives

Objectives/Scientific questions
objective 1Setting up of coupled atmosphere-ocean model for Southwest Pacific ocean region. Does coupling to atmosphere helps better define the state of ocean and atmosphere during 1960s?
objective 2How well are the major hydrographic features of the Southwest Pacific region represented by the coupled model and how do they behave by end of 21st century?

Thesis committee

NameContact details
André Paul[Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]
MARUM/FB5, University of Bremen
Mark Hadfield[Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]
NIWA - National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research
Michael Schulz[Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]
MARUM/FB5, University of Bremen

Brief modeling strategy (methodology)

Schematic diagram of coupled atmosphere-ocean Southwest Pacific regional model

Chapters (in preparation)

  • Setting up of coupled atmosphere-ocean model for Southwest Pacific ocean region (in progress)
  • Does coupling to atmosphere helps better define the state of ocean and atmosphere during 1960s?
  • How well are the major hydrographic features of the Southwest Pacific ocean region represented by the coupled model and how do they behave by end of 21st century?


  • A coupled regional atmosphere-ocean model to assess the risk of future storm surges in the North Sea (poster presentation, Storm Surge Congress, Hamburg, 13-17th September 2010)
  • A regional ocean model for the Southwest Pacific ocean region to asses the risk of storms (poster presentation, EGU, Vienna, 22-27th April 2012)
  • Scenarios of future changes in the occurrence of extreme storm surges – an application of COAWST to Southwest Pacific ocean region (oral presentation, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, MA, 25-28th August 2014)

Publications (previous work)

Conference proceedings

  • Nilima A. Natoo, Dr. Usha Natesan, Dr. M.V. Ramanamurthy and Dr. P. Sasidhar, 2007. ‘Coastal Hydrodynamics of Kalpakkam’, Fourth Indian National Conference on Harbour and Ocean Engineering, Vol-I, pp 73-81 (oral presentation)

Curriculum vitae

Postgraduate research experience

Dec 2009 - presentPhD student, University of Bremen and University of Waikato (INTERCOAST - Integrated Coastal Zone and Shelf-Sea Research)
Dec 2007 - Nov 2009Scientist-B, National Institute of Ocean Technology, Chennai

Graduate research experience

May 2005 - Oct 2005Junior Project Assistant, Center for Environmental Studies, Anna University, Chennai


2007M.E. (Environmental Management) from College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University
2002B. Tech. (Civil Engineering) from North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology

Professional activity/Fellowship/Award

2014Reviewer for Ocean Dynamics
2008Awarded 3 months training fellowship at CICESE, Mexico under Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System (IOTWS) Fellowship programme in sea level science and applications 2007-2008 by Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO
2007Gold Medal for Master of Engineering (Environmental Management, 2007) from Anna University, Chennai
2002Innovative Student Project Award (2002) for B.E./B.Tech. Project by Indian National Academy of Engineering