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Dr. Katja Mintenbeck

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This web page has not been updated since the former colleague left MARUM.

Cur­riculum Vitae

since 2014 Postdoc at the MARUM, Pro­ject TRO­POS
2013 Postdoc, SeaK­ult - sus­tain­able fu­tures in the mar­ine realm, Bremer­haven, Ger­many
2009-2011 Postdoc (DFG) at the Al­fred We­gener In­sti­tute for Po­lar and Mar­ine Re­search, De­part­ment In­teg­rat­ive Eco­physiology
2008-2009 Teacher for Bio­logy, Mu­ni­cip­al­ity of the City of Bremer­haven, Ger­many
2008 PhD in Bio­logy at the Uni­versity of Bre­men (Dr. rer. nat)
2001-2007 Sci­entific As­sist­ant at the Al­fred We­gener In­sti­tute for Po­lar and Mar­ine Re­search, De­part­ments Mar­ine An­imal Eco­logy and Mar­ine Aquacul­ture
2001 Dip­loma de­gree in Bio­logy at the Uni­versity of Bre­men (Dipl. Biol.)
1994-2001 Stud­ies of Bio­logy at the Uni­versity of Bre­men (fo­cus on Mar­ine Bio­logy, Eco­logy, Zo­ology and Zo­ophysiology)

Pub­lic­a­tions (peer-re­viewed)

  • Dannheim, J., Brey, T., Schröder, A., Mintenbeck, K., Knust, R., Arntz, W.E. (2014). Trophic look at soft-bottom communities – Short-term effects of trawling cessation on benthos. Journal of Sea Research 85: 18-28.
  • Strobel, A., Bennecke, S., Leo, E., Mintenbeck, K., Pörtner, H.-O., Mark, F.C. (2012). Metabolic shifts in the Antarctic fish Notothenia rossii in response to rising temperature and PCO2. Frontiers in Zoology 9: 28.
  • Mintenbeck, K., Barrera-Oro, E.R., Brey, T., Jacob, U., Knust, R., Mark, F.C., Moreira, E., Strobel, A., Arntz, W.E. (2012). Impact of climate change on fish in complex Antarctic ecosystems. Advances in Ecological Research 46: 351-426.
  • Jacob U., Thierry A., Brose U., Arntz W.E., Berg S., Brey T., Fetzer I., Jonsson T., Mintenbeck K., Möllmann C., Petchey O., Riede S., Dunne J.A. (2011). The role of body size in complex food webs: A cold case. Advances in Ecological Research 45: 181-223.
  • Gerdes, D., Isla, E., Knust, R., Mintenbeck, K., Rossi, S. (2008). Response of benthic communities to disturbance: the artificial disturbance experiment BENDEX on the eastern Weddell Sea shelf, Antarctica. Polar Biology 31: 1469-1480.
  • Mintenbeck, K. (2008). Trophic interactions within high Antarctic shelf communities - Food web structure and the significance of fish. PhD Thesis, University of Bremen. 137 pp.
  • Mintenbeck, K., Brey, T., Jacob, U., Knust, R., Struck, U. (2008). How to account for the lipid effect on carbon stable isotope ratio (13C) – sample treatment and model bias. Journal of Fish Biology 72: 815-830.
  • Mintenbeck, K., Jacob, U., Brey, T., Knust, R., Arntz, W.E. (2007). Depth-dependence in stable isotope ratio d15N of benthic POM consumers: the role of particle dynamics and organism trophic guild. Deep-Sea Research I 54: 1015-1023.
  • Brose, U., Jonsson, T., Berlow, E.L., Warren, P., Banasek-Richter, C., Bersier, L.-F., Blanchard, J.L., Brey, T., Carpenter, S.R., Cattin Blandenier, M.-F., Cushing, L., Dawah, H.A., Dell, T., Edwards, F., Harper-Smith, S., Jacob, U., Ledger, M.E., Martinez, N., Memmott, J., Mintenbeck, K., Pinnegar, J.K., Rall, B.C., Rayner, T.S., Reuman, D.C., Ruess, L., Ulrich, W., Williams, R.J., Woodward, G., Cohen, J.E. (2006). Consumer-resource body-size relationships in natural food webs. Ecology 87: 2411-2417.
  • Jacob, U., Brey, T., Fetzer, I., Kaehler, S., Mintenbeck, K., Dunton, K., Beyer, K., Struck, U., Arntz, W. E. (2006). Towards the trophic structure of the Bouvet Island marine ecosystem. Polar Biology 29: 106-113.
  • Brose, U., Cushing, L., Berlow, E.L., Jonsson, T., Banasek-Richter, C., Bersier, L.F., Blanchard, J.L., Brey, T., Carpenter, S.R., Cattin Blandenier, M.F., Cohen, J.E., Dawah, H.A., Dell, T., Edwards, F., Harper-Smith, S., Jacob, U., Knapp, R. A., Ledger, M. E., Memmott, J., Mintenbeck, K., Pinnegar, J.K., Rall, B.J., Rayner, T., Ruess, L., Ulrich, W., Warren, P., Williams, R. J., Woodward, G., Yodzis, P., Martinez, N.D. (2005). Empirical body sizes of consumers and their resources. Ecology 86: 2545.
  • Jacob, U., Mintenbeck, K., Brey, T., Knust, R., Beyer, K. (2005). Stable isotope food web studies: a case for standardized sample treatment. Marine Ecology Progress Series 287: 251-253.
  • Knust, R., Arntz, W. E., Boche, M., Brey, T., Gerdes, D., Mintenbeck, K., Schröder, A., Starmans, A., Teixidó, N. (2003). Iceberg scouring on the eastern Weddell Sea shelf (Antarctica): a benthic system shaped by physical disturbances? In: Huiskes, A.H.L., Gieskes, W.W.C., Rozema, J., Schorno, R.M.L., van der Vies, S.M., Wolff, W.J. (eds): Antarctic biology in a global context. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, p. 96-101.
  • Brenner, M., Buck, B. H., Cordes, S., Dietrich, L., Jacob, U., Mintenbeck, K., Schröder, A., Brey, T., Knust, R., Arntz, W. (2001). The role of iceberg scours in niche separation within the Antarctic fish genus Trematomus. Polar Biology 24, 502-507.