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Madaj, Lina


Archived Page

This web page has not been updated since the former colleague left MARUM.

PhD Project

'Impact of meltwater events on weathering and detrital fluxes along the coast of western Greenland, Baffin Bay'

Greenland ice sheet dynamics have a strong effect on meltwater input to Baffin Bay, potentially impacting the oceanic circulation and the ecosystem. This project will investigate the spatial and temporal variation of Greenland meltwater discharge into Baffin Bay and its influence on seawater signatures and circulation during the Holocene. This will be done by studying continental detritus, authigenic minerals and biogenic shell material from marine sediment cores along the northwestern coast of Greenland. The area of focus will be the northern and southern Melville Bay (Northeast Baffin Bay). The methodological focus of this study is based on the analysis of the radiogenic isotopes strontium (Sr), neodymium (Nd) and lead (Pb). The consequential isotope ratios will be used as proxies for source regions of continental detritus and hence transport directions, sea-water sources and advection, and potentially changing freshwater input and weathering through time.

This PhD project is part of the international research training group ArcTrain.

Thesis Committee

Prof. Dr. Simone Kasemann (Supervisor) MARUM, University of Bremen
Prof. Dr. Claude Hillaire-Marcel Université du Québec à Montréal
Dr. Friedrich Lucassen MARUM, University of Bremen
Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Stein Alfred-Wegener-Institute Bremerhaven
Prof. Dr. Dierk Hebbeln MARUM, University of Bremen

Scientific Interest

  • Radiogenic Isotopes (Sr, Nd, Pb)
  • Paleoceanography and -climatology
  • Weathering and Ice Sheet Dynamics
  • Arctic Research

Curriculum Vitae

Since December 2016PhD Student (ArcTrain), MARUM
August 2014 – October 2016Master Earth Science, University of Gothenburg (M. Sc.)

Thesis Title: ‘Holocene Organic Carbon and Carbonate Records from Northeast Baffin Bay - Preliminary Age Model and Paleoenvironmental Significance

Supervisors: Dr. Lennart Bornmalm, Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Stein (AWI)
October 2013 – August 2014Master Marine Geoscience, University of Bremen
October 2010 – October 2013Bachelor Geoscience, University of Bremen (B. Sc.)

Thesis Title: ‘Medikamentenrückstände und deren Abbauprozesse in Böden am Beispiel von Paracetamol und Ibuprofen
(Environmental fate and degradation processes of pharmaceuticals in soils, using the example of Paracetamol and Ibuprofen)

Supervisors: Dr. Tobias Goldhammer, Dr. Marcus Elvert

Research Cruises and Field Trips

June 30th - July 30th 2015 RV Maria S. Merian - MSM44 BAFFEAST, Baffin Bay
July 22nd - August 28th 2017 RV Maria S. Merian - MSM66 BAFFWEST, Baffin Bay