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Dr. Hendrik Lantzsch

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This web page has not been updated since the former colleague left MARUM.

Scientific interests

Why study continental margins?

Although continental margins comprise a rather small part of the Earth’s ocean surface they represent the most important marine sink for terrigenous material. Less than 10 % of the fluvial input is proposed to reach the deep sea. Besides this importance as sediment storage environment, the ecological and economical relevance of continental margin systems are indisputable. These systems feature highest primary production, especially in areas of enhanced upwelling and represent, consequently, an important habitat of the biosphere. Additionally, the economic value of continental margins is exploited by, for instance, fishery industry and explorations of hydrocarbon and mineral resources. Nevertheless, the scientific knowledge on the sedimentary evolution of these systems and the controlling factors is still very limited.

My research interests are depocentres on clastic continental margins such as shelf sand and mud deposits, canyon sediments, shallow- and deep-water contourites, and submarine fans. I am especially interested in the sedimentary differences between contrasting continental margin systems such as the dust-dominated NW African margin, the sediment-starved NW Iberian margin, the high fluvial supply Bay of Bengal, the oceanographic-current controlled SE South American margin, and the glacially carved W Barents Sea.



Weber, M.E., Lantzsch, H., Dekens, P., Das, S. K., Reilly, B.T., Martos, Y.M., Meyer-Jacob, C., Agrahari, S., Ekblad, A., Titschack, J., Holmes, B., Wolfgramm, P., 2018 (accepted) 200,000 years of monsoonal history recorded on the lower Bengal Fan - strong response to insolation forcing. Global and Planetary Change.

Warratz, G., Schwenk, T., Voigt, I., Bozzano, G., Henrich, R., Violante, R., Lantzsch, H., 2017 (in review). The interaction of a deep-sea current with a blind submarine canyon (Mar del Plata Canyon, Argentina). Sedimentology.

Hanebuth, T.J.J., Lantzsch, H., Perez, L., García-Rodríguez, F., 2018 (in press). Currents controlling sedimentation: paleo-hydrodynamic variability inferred from the continental-shelf system off SE South America (Uruguay), Sedimentación controlada por corrientes: registros de depósitos paleo-hidrodinámicos inferidos de la plataforma continental del SE de América del Sur (Uruguay), In: Muniz P, Conde D, Venturini N, Brugnoli E (eds) Ciencias Marino Costeras en el Umbral del Siglo XXI: Desafíos en Latinoamérica y el Caribe (XV COLACMAR).

Hahn, A., Vogel, H., Andó, S., Garzanti, E., Kuhn, G., Lantzsch, H., Schüürman, J., Vogt, C., Zabel, M., 2017 (accepted). Determination of Sediment Mineralogical Composition Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy: a case study from the Orange River mouth. Sedimentary Geology.

Lantzsch, H., Hanebuth, T.J.J., Horry, J., Grave, M., Rebesco, M., Schwenk, T., 2017. Deglacial to Holocene history of ice-sheet retreat and bottom current strength on the western Barents Sea shelf. Quaternary Science Reviews 173, 40-57.

Warratz, G., Henrich, R., Voigt, I., Chiessi, C.M., Kuhn, G., Lantzsch, H., 2017 (accepted). Deglacial changes in the strentgh of deep southern component water and sediment supply at the Argentine continental margin, Paleoceanography.

Zecchin, M., Rebesco, M., Lucchi, R.G., Caffau, M., Lantzsch, H., Hanebuth, T.J.J., 2016. Buried iceberg-keel scouring on the southern Spitsbergenbanken, NW Barents Sea. Marine Geology 382, 68-79.

Rebesco, M., Özmaral, A., Urgeles, R., Accettella, D., Lucchi, R.G., Rüther, D., Winsborrow, M., Llopart, J., Caburlotto, A. Lantzsch, H., Hanebuth, T.J.J., 2016. Evolution of a high-latitude sediment drift inside a glacially-carved trough based on high-resolution seismic stratigraphy (Kveithola, NW Barents Sea), Quaternary Science Reviews 147, 178-193.

Rebesco, M., Urgeles, R., Özmaral, A., and the CORIBAR team: Hanebuth T.J.J., Caburlotto, A., Hörner, T., Lantzsch, H., Llopart, J., Lucchi, R.G., Nicolaisen, L.S., Osti, G., Sabbatini, A., 2016 (accepted). Grounding Zone Wedges, Kveithola Trough (NW Barents Sea). In: Dowdeswell, J.A., Canals, M., Jakobsson, M., Todd, B.J., Dowdeswell, E.K., Hogan, K.A. (eds) Atlas of Submarine Glacial Landforms, Geological Society, London, Memoirs 46.

Hanebuth, T.J.J., Lantzsch, H., Nizou, J., 2015. Mud depocenters on continental shelves - appearance, initiation times, and growth dynamics. Geo-Marine Letters 35 (6), 487-503.

Lantzsch, H., Hanebuth, T.J.J., Chiessi, C.M., Schwenk, T., Violante, R.A., 2014. The high-supply, current-dominated continental margin of southeastern South America during the late Quaternary. Quaternary Research 81 (2), 339-354.

Lantzsch, H., Hanebuth, T.J.J., Henrich, R., 2010. Sediment recycling and adjustment of deposition during deglacial drowning of a low-accumulation shelf (NW Iberia). Continental Shelf Research 30 (15), 1665-1679.

Lantzsch, H., Hanebuth, T.J.J., Bender, V.B., 2009b. Holocene evolution of mud depocentres on a high-energy, low-accumulation shelf (NW Iberia). Quaternary Research 72 (3), 325-336.

Lantzsch, H., Hanebuth, T.J.J., Bender, V.B., Krastel, S., 2009a. Sedimentary architecture of a low-accumulation shelf since the Late Pleistocene (NW Iberia). Marine Geology 259 (1-4), 47-58.

Hanebuth, T.J.J., Lantzsch, H., 2008. A Late Quaternary sedimentary shelf system under hyperarid conditions: unravelling climatic, oceanographic and sea-level controls (Golfe d'Arguin, Mauritania, NW Africa). Marine Geology 256 (1-4), 77-89.

Lantzsch, H., Roth, S., Reijmer, J.J.G., Kinkel, H., 2007. Sea-level related resedimentation processes on the northern slope of Little Bahama Bank (Middle Pleistocene to Holocene). Sedimentology 54 (6), 1307-1322.

Funded proposals

Lantzsch, H., 2017. Impulse für Forschungsvorhaben – Die Interaktion von konturparallelen Strömungen und hangabwärts gerichteten Transportprozessen am NW-spanischen Kontinentalhang (The interaction of contour currents and down-slope processes on the NW Spanish continental margin).

Lantzsch, H., Hanebuth, T.J.J., 2014. MARUM Incentive Proposal – CADISED Cruise (Confined transgressive and highstand sediment depocentres in the Gulf of Cadiz: reconstruction of formation history and past environmental changes).

Lantzsch, H., Hanebuth, T.J.J., Schwenk, T. 2014. Cruise proposal: CADISED – Locally defined transgressive and highstand sediment depocentres in the Gulf of Cadiz: reconstruction of formation history and environmental changes. RV Poseidon.

Hanebuth, T.J.J., Lantzsch, H., 2013. MARUM Incentive Proposal – CORIBAR Cruise (Reconstructing the response of grounded ice sheets and sea ice to climatic changes by coring glacial bedforms and meltwater deposits in the Kveithola trough).

Hanebuth, T.J.J., Stein, R., Lantzsch, H., Camerlenghi, A., Rebesco, M., Andreassen, K., Morigi, C., Urgeles, R., 2011. Cruise proposal: CORIBAR – Reconstructing the dynamics of grounded ice sheets and sea-ice in the Kveithola region, NW Barents Sea, by coring glacial bedforms and melt-water deposits. RV Maria S. Merian.

Cruise reports
France-Lanord, C., Spiess, V., Klaus, A., and the Expedition 354 Scientists, 2015. Bengal Fan: Neogene and late Paleogene record of Himalayan orogeny and climate: a transect across the Middle Bengal Fan. International Ocean Discovery Program Preliminary Report, 353.

Lantzsch, H., Hanebuth, T.J.J., and cruise participants, 2015, CADISED – Confined transgressive and highstand sediment depocentres in the Gulf of Cadiz: recon-struction of formation history and past environmental changes. Cruise Report RV Poseidon Expedition 482, 14.03.2015 – 25.03.2015, Portimão (Portugal) – Málaga (Spain).

Hanebuth, T.J.J., and cruise participants, 2014. GALIMOS – Monitoring the interaction between oceanographic elements and sedimentary seabed structures at the Galician margin. METEOR-Berichte, Cruise M110, DFG-Senatskommission für Ozeanographie,

Hanebuth, T.J.J. and cruise participants, 2014, Short cruise report - RV Meteor cruise M110. Senatskommission für Ozeanographie der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, Leitstelle Deutsche Forschungsschiffe Institut für Meereskunde der Universität Hamburg.

Hanebuth, T.J.J., Lantzsch, H., and cruise participants, 2013. CORIBAR – Ice dynamics and meltwater deposits: coring in the Kveithola Trough, NW Barents Sea. Cruise MSM30, Berichte, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, University of Bremen, No. 299.

Hanebuth, T.J.J. and cruise participants, 2013, Short cruise report - RV Maria S. Merian cruise MSM30. Maria S. Merian-Berichte, Senatskommission für Ozeanographie der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, Leitstelle Deutsche Forschungsschiffe Institut für Meereskunde der Universität Hamburg.

Krastel, S., and cruise participants, 2012. Report and preliminary results of RV Meteor cruise M78/3. Sediment transport off Uruguay and Argentina: from the shelf to the deep sea. Berichte, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, University of Bremen, No. 285.

Westphal, H. and cruise participants, 2012. Short cruise report - Maria S. Merian cruise MSM16/3. Maria S. Merian-Berichte, Senatskommission für Ozeanographie der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, Leitstelle Deutsche Forschungsschiffe Institut für Meereskunde der Universität Hamburg.

Hanebuth, T.J.J., and cruise participants, 2012. Report and preliminary results of the RV Meteor cruise M84/4 GALIOMAR III, Berichte, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, University of Bremen, No. 283.

Hanebuth, T.J.J., and cruise participants, 2007. Report and first results of the Poseidon cruise P342 GALIOMAR, Distribution pattern, residence times and export of sediments on the Pleistocene/Holocene Galician shelf (NW Iberian Peninsula). Berichte, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, University of Bremen, No. 255.

Scientific cruises

On the "road" again...

02/2018 RV Sonne, SO260/2, Montevideo (Uruguay) – Buenos Aires (Argentina), 02.02.2018 – 14.02.2018, DoSProBio expedition, “Dynamics of sedimentation processes and their impact on biogeochemical reactions on the continental slope off Argentina/Uruguay”.

02/2015 RV Joides Resolution, IODP Expedition 354, Singapore – Colombo (Sri Lanka), 30.01.2015 – 31.03.2015, "Neogene and late Paleogene record of Himalayan orogeny and climate: a transect across the Middle Bengal Fan".

09/2014 RV Meteor, M110, Vigo (Spain) – Cadiz (Spain), 15.09.2014 – 30.09.2014, GALIMOS expedition, "Monitoring the interaction between oceanographic elements and sedimentary seabed structures at the Galician margin".

07/2013 RV Maria S. Merian, MSM30, Tromsø (Norway) – Tromsø (Norway), 16.07.2013 – 15.08.2013, CORIBAR expedition, "Reconstructing the response of grounded ice sheets and sea ice to climatic changes by coring glacial bedforms and meltwater deposits in the Kveithola trough".

05/2011 RV Meteor, M84/4, Vigo (Spain) – Vigo (Spain), 01.05.2011 – 28.05.2011, GALIOMAR III expedition, "Structures and critical interfaces of the Galician margin - transport routes and sediment fluxes".

10/2010 RV Maria S. Merian, MSM16/3, Las Palmas (Spain) – Mindelo (Kap Verde), 22.10.2010 – 21.11.2010, PHAETON expedition, "Paleoceanographic and pa-laeoclimatic record on the Mauritanian Shelf".

05/2009 RV Meteor, M78/3a, Montevideo – Montevideo (Uruguay), 15.05.2009 – 13.06.2009, MARUM research project SD, "Sediment transport off Uruguay and Argentinia".

06/2008 RV Poseidon, P366/3, Vigo – Vigo (Spain), 02.06.2008 – 18.06.2008, PERGA-MOM expedition (GALIOMAR II expedition), EuroProx research school, "Proxy education and research cruise off Galicia".
08/2006 RV Poseidon, P342, Vigo (Spain) – Lisbon (Portugal), 19.08.2006 – 06.09.2006, GALIOMAR expedition, RCOM research project C, “Distribution pattern, residence times and export of sediments on the Pleistocene/Holocene Galician shelf (NW Iberian Peninsula) ”.

07/2006 RV Senckenberg, Wilhelmshafen (Germany) – Wilhelmshafen (Germany), 05.07.2006 – 06.07.2006, RCOM research project C.

01/2004 RV Marion Dufresne, La Réunion (France) – Mayotte (Comoro Archipelago), 02.01.2004 – 14.01.2004, CABAMAY expedition, “Paleoceanography, carbonate sedimentology, and climate cycles in the sedimentary basins surrounding the Mayotte atoll (Western Indian Ocean)”.

Teaching experience

Lectures & seminars

since 2017 Lecture/seminar “Sedimentology and Ecology of Shelves”; organised by T. Schwenk

since 2016 Lecture/seminar “Gesteinsphysik und Bohrlochmessungen” (rock physics and geophysical well logging); organised by V. Spieß

since 2014 Lecture "Sedimentologie der Klastika" (clastic sedimentology)

since 2013 Seminar "Geologische Labormethoden" (geological laboratory methods)

since 2012 Lecture/seminar "Sedimentologie und Ökologie von Schelfen" (sedimentology and ecology of shelves); organised by R. Henrich

since 2012 Lecture/seminar "Das Karbonatsystem im Ozean" (the carbonate system of the ocean); organised by R. Henrich

since 2010 Lecture/seminar "Sedimentologische Interpretation geophysikalischer Bohrlochmessungen" (sedimentological interpretation of geophysical well logs)

since 2010 Lecture "Grundlagen der Sedimentologie" (principles of sedimentology); organised by R. Henrich

2013 Seminar for pupils "Einblicke: Meeressedimente und Kaltwasserkorallen unter der Lupe" (marine sediments and cold-water corals under the microscope)

2010 – 2012 Seminar "Labortechniken in der Sedimentologie" (sedimentological laboratory methods)

2006– 2010 Seminar "Labortechniken in der Sedimentologie" (sedimentological laboratory methods); organised by T. Hanebuth

Field trips & mapping courses

Field trip "Berchtesgadener/Salzburger Alpen" (18.07. – 25.07.2016; R. Henrich & H. Lantzsch)

Field trip "Mass wasting on passive and active Alpine margins" (08.07. – 15.07.2016; R. Henrich & H. Lantzsch)

Field trip "Berchtesgadener/Salzburger Alpen" (27.07. – 03.08.2015; R. Henrich & H. Lantzsch)

Master mapping course "Allgäuer Alpen, Hintersteiner Tal" (22.08. – 05.09.2014; R. Henrich & H. Lantzsch)

Field trip "Mass wasting on passive and active Alpine margins" (19.08. – 26.08.2013; R. Henrich & H. Lantzsch)

Master mapping course "Allgäuer Alpen, Hintersteiner Tal" (11.08. – 25.08.2012; R. Henrich & H. Lantzsch)

Field trip "Rhodos" (29.09. – 13.10.2011; J. Titschack & H. Lantzsch)

Master mapping course "Chiemgauer Alpen" (20.08. – 04.09.2011; R. Henrich & H. Lantzsch)

Other activities

Public outreach
2015 Participation in the video "Turbidite Transport: Sediment's Journey"
2015 Interview during the show "Unterirdisch", IODP & ICDP Conference in Bonn.
2014 Participation in the TV show "Checker Tobi - Der Sand-Check"
Supervision & committees

2017 Supervisor and first reviewer of bachelor’s thesis: D. Fischer, Unterschiede in den Ablagerungsbedingungen und in der Erhaltung von Laminationen in submarinen Canyons am Kontinentalhang vor Mauretanien (NW Afrika). University of Bremen.

2017 Supervisor and first reviewer of master’s thesis: K. Lange, Rapid formation of Holocene laminites within submarine canyons on the Mauritanian continental slope, NW Africa. University of Bremen.

2016 Supervisor and first reviewer of master’s thesis: M. Höhne, Formation history of sediment depocentres on the Western Gulf of Cadiz continental shelf. University of Bremen.

2016 Co-supervisor and second reviewer of master’s thesis: L. Mehringer, Timing of the Agadir Slide, NW Africa. University of Bremen.

2016 Supervisor and first reviewer of bachelor’s thesis: P. Wolfgramm, Spätquartäre Variabilität des terrigenen Eintrags auf dem Bengalischen Tiefseefächer. University of Bremen.

since 2015 Member of the Glomar Thesis Committee of B. Halstenberg, Grain-scale properties and sediment physics in the processes involved in the enrichment of (magnetic) heavy-minerals in beach and shallow marine environments. University of Bremen.

since 2015 Member of the Glomar Thesis Committee of F. Bergmann, The Bengal Fan stratigraphy as a function of tectonic and climate – Correlation of IODP Expedition 354 results and available seismic data from the Bay of Bengal. University of Bremen.

since 2015 Member of the Glomar Thesis Committee of G. Warratz, Interaction between intermediate/deep-water masses and the sedimentation in a mid-slope canyon (off Argentina/Uruguay, 38°S) during the last 25 kyr. University of Bremen.

since 2015 Member of the Glomar Thesis Committee of J. Haberkern, Investigation of contouritic depositional systems and their interaction with the oceanographic regime at continental margins using high resolution multichannel seismic and hydroacoustic data. University of Bremen.

2015 Supervisor and first reviewer of master’s thesis: J. Horry, Entstehungsgeschichte von Depozentren nach dem deglazialen Abschmelzen der Eisbedeckung – der polare Schelf südlich des Kveithola Trogs (nordwestliche Barentssee). University of Bremen.

2015 Second reviewer of master’s thesis: B. Steinborn, Multidisciplinary soil characterization of a coastal Omokoroa peninsula, NZ slope sequence, prone to slope failure, using correlations of in-situ and laboratory data. University of Bremen.

2014 Supervisor and first reviewer of bachelor’s thesis: V. Zittlau, Depositional facies of the deglacial infill in the Rio de la Plata paleovalley, Inner shelf off the coast of Uruguay (Gravity core GeoB 13817-2). University of Bremen.

2014 Supervisor and first reviewer of bachelor’s thesis: J. Marquardt, Rekonstruktion der Entwicklungsgeschichte eines Depozentrums an der Schelfkante vor NW Portugal. University of Bremen.

since 2013 Member of the Glomar Thesis Committee of A. Özmaral, Climatically controlled sediment processes on shelf areas preserved in confined depositional structures. University of Bremen.

2013 Second reviewer of bachelor’s thesis: N. Brückner, Analyse und Prozessierung von Rückstreudaten des Fächerecholots EM120 der Fahrt M78/3 rund um den Mar del Plata Canyon vor Argentinien. University of Bremen.

2012 Co-supervisor of master’s thesis: A. Petrovic, Late Pleistocene sediment dynamics in the southern Galician margin gully system. University of Bremen.

2009 Co-supervisor of bachelor’s thesis: C. Sommerfeld, Definierte, holozäne Sedimentkörper im Paläorelief des Rio de la Plata (innerer Schelf von Uruguay). University of Bremen.

2007 Co-supervisor of master’s thesis: V.B. Bender, Evolution of the Galicia Mud Belt from sediment cores and sediment acoustic profiles. University of Bremen.

2007 Co-supervisor of master’s thesis: H. Riebshoff, Spätpleistozäne Sturm- und Küstenablagerungen des Nordwestiberischen Schelfs. University of Bremen.


Member of the MARUM Research Award Committee

Laboratory responsible (Department of Sedimentology/Palaeoceanography)

Free equipment hire of faculty-owned compasses, altimeters, clinometers, measuring tapes, and helmets

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