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Research Cruises

29.04.2019 - 23.05.2019

R/V METEOR cruise M154/2
"SEKT (Sector collapse kinematics and tsunami implications, Montserrat)"
Pointe-a-Pitre - Pointe-a-Pitre
Senior Scientist; MeBo CPT

02.11.2018 - 14.11.2018

R/V METEOR cruise M152/1
"Lisbon 1755"
Funchal - Hamburg
Head of Hydroacoustics

27.03.2016 - 28.04.2018

R/V SONNE cruise SO247
"SlamZ (Slide activity on the Hikurangi margin)"
Wellington - Auckland
Head of Geotechnical lab

14.03.2006 - 31.03.2006

R/V METEOR cruise M65/2a
"Fluid seepage in the southern Gulf of Mexico (Campeche Bay)"
Cristobal - Bridgetown
Student helper