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Dr. Szymon Kru­piń­ski

Archived Page

This web page has not been updated since the former colleague left MARUM.

Scientific interests and expertise


Em­bed­ded In­tel­li­gence and Con­trol for Autonom­ous Mar­ine Vehicles


Sonar, Video and Laser scan­ner data pro­cessing


Autonom­ous Un­der­wa­ter Vehicle sim­u­la­tion


Dr. Szy­mon Krupiński was awar­ded a BSc de­gree in Elec­trical En­gin­eer­ing and Com­puter Sci­ence at In­ter­na­tional Uni­versity Bre­men (cur­rently Jac­obs Uni­versity Bre­men) in 2005 and presen­ted a dip­loma work en­titled “Development of a small autonomous underwater vehicle”, car­ried out un­der the su­per­vi­sion of Prof. Dr. A. Birk. He has com­pleted his MSc de­gree at the Ship Sci­ence De­part­ment of Southamp­ton Uni­versity in 2007. His thesis was en­titled “Image recognition in performance and manoeuvring analysis of a racing dinghy” and was su­per­vised by Prof. S.R. Turnock. In 2014 he sub­mit­ted and suc­cess­fully de­fen­ded his PhD thesis en­titles "Offshore structure following by means of sensor servoing and sensor fusion" (do­main: Auto­ma­tion, Sig­nal and Im­age Treat­ment) at Labor­atoire I3S, Uni­versité Nice Sophia An­tipolis, France, un­der the su­per­vi­sion of Prof. Tarek Hamel and Dr. Guil­laume Al­libert.

2017 - 2020

Postdok­t­or­and und Dozent für In­form­atik an der Jac­obs Uni­versity Bre­men, Deutsch­land

  • Automation
  • Computer Graphics
  • Marine Robotics
  • Data Visualisation and Image Processing
  • Programming in C/C++

2007 - 2017

Re­search and Soft­ware En­gin­eer bei Cy­ber­netix, Oil and Gas (2007-2010), In­nov­a­tion (2010-2015), Soft­ware and Al­gorithms (2015-2017), Mar­seille, Frankreich

2006 - 2007

Mod­el­ling En­gin­eer bei Det Nor­ske Ver­itas (derzeit DNV-GL), Naut­i­cus Re­search Centre, Sopot, Polen


  • L. Mucolli, S. Krupinski, F. Maurelli, S. A. Mehdi and S. Mazhar, Detecting cracks in underwater concrete structures: an unsupervised learning approach based on local feature clustering, IEEE OCEANS 2019 MTS/IEEE SEATTLE, October 2019
  • (submitted for review) F. Maurelli, S. Krupinski and X. Xiang, AUV localisation: a review of passive and active techniques, Int. Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications, January 2019
  • G. Allibert, M-D. Hua, S. Krupinski and T. Hamel, Pipeline following by visual servoing for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, Control Engineering Practice, January 2019
  • S. Krupinski, F. Maurelli, Positioning aiding using LIDAR in GPS signal loss scenarios, 8th IEEE International Conference on Underwater System Technology, Dec. 2018, link
  • F. Maurelli, S. Krupinski, A semantic-aided particle filter approach for AUV localisation, IEEE OCEANS 2018 Kobe (pp. 1-9), May 2018
  • S. Krupinski, G. Allibert, M-D. Hua and T. Hamel, An inertial-aided homography-based visual servoing control approach for (almost) fully-actuated Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, IEEE Trans. on Robotics, Dec. 2016
  • S. Krupinski, R. Desouche, N. Palomeras, G. Allibert and M-D. Hua, Pool testing of AUV visual servoing for autonomous inspection, IFAC Workshop on Navigation, Guidance and Control of Underwater Vehicles, April 2015
  • S. Krupinski, G. Allibert, M-D. Hua and T. Hamel, Pipeline tracking for fully-actuated autonomous underwater vehicle using visual servo control, American Control Conference, June 2012
  • F. Maurelli, Y. Petillot, A. Mallios, P. Ridao and S. Krupinski, Sonar-based AUV localization using an improved particle filter approach, IEEE OCEANS 2009-Europe, May 2009
  • S. Krupinski, F. Maurelli, A. Mallios, P. Sotiropoulos and T. Palmer, Towards AUV docking on sub-sea structures, IEEE OCEANS, May 2009
  • F. Maurelli, S. Krupinski, Y. Petillot, and J. Salvi, A particle filter approach for AUV localization, IEEE OCEANS 2008, September 2008
  • S. Krupinski, F. Maurelli, G. Grenon and Y. Petillot, Investigation of autonomous docking strategies for robotic operation on intervention panels, IEEE OCEANS, Sept. 2008