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Peer-reviewed journal publications

Kluger, MO, Kreiter, S, Moon, VG, Orense, RP, Mills, P, Mörz, T (2018) Undrained cyclic shear behaviour of weathered tephra. Géotechnique, doi:10.1680/jgeot.17.P.083

Kluger, MO, Moon, VG, Kreiter, S, Lowe, DJ, Churchman, GJ, Hepp, DA, Seibel, D, Jorat, ME, Mörz, T (2017) A new attraction-detachment model for explaining flow sliding in clay-rich tephras. Geology, 42(2), 131-134, doi:10.1130/G38560.1

Peer-reviewed conference proceedings

Goodarzi, M., Stähler, F.T., Kreiter, S., Rouainia, M., Kluger, M.O., Mörz, T. (accepted in 2018) Numerical simulation of Cone Penetration Test in a small-volume calibration chamber: the effect of boundary conditions. Proc. CPT’18 – 4th International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing. Delft, The Netherlands.

Kluger, MO, Kreiter, S, L'Heureux, J-S, Stegmann, S, Moon, V, Mörz, T (2016) In situ cyclic softening of marine silts by vibratory CPTU at Orkdalsfjord test site, mid Norway. In: Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences. Springer International Publishing, 201-209. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-20979-1

Not peer-reviewed

Kluger, M.O., Kreiter, S., Moon, V.G., de Lange, W., Jorat, M.E., Mörz, T., Robertson, T., Lowe, D.J. (2019) Empirical rainfall threshold for deep-rotational landslides in clay-rich tephra. EGU General Assembly 2019, Vol. 21, EGU2019-13156-1, Geophysical Research Abstracts (Oral presentation)

Kluger, M.O., Kreiter, S., Moon, V.G., Orense, R.P., Mills, P., Mörz, T. (2018) New insights into the cyclic shear strength of weathered tephra - A short introduction into cyclic contour diagrams. Invited presentation at New Zealand Geotechnical Society. Aug. 31th, 2018. Tauranga, New Zealand

Lowe, D.J., Loame, R.C., Moon, V.G., Johnston, R.E., Kluger, M.O., Villamor, P., Orense, R., de Lange, W.P., Davies, S.M., Ross, N., Vandergoes, M.J., Rees, A.B.H. 2018. Earth-shaking insight from liquefied tephra layers in lakes in central Waikato region, New Zealand: a new tool to evaluate and date palaeoseismicity? In: Hambach, U., Veres, D. (eds), Book of Abstracts, Crossing New Frontiers: INTAV International Field Conference on Tephrochronology, ‘Tephra Hunt in Transylvania’, Moieciu de Sus, Romania, 24 June-1 July, pp. 38-39

Moon, V.G.; Mills, P.R.; Kluger, M.O.; Lowe, D.J.; Churchman, G.J.; de Lange, W.P.; Hepp, D.A.; Kreiter, S.; Mörz, T. (2017) Sensitive pyroclastic soils in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand: microstructure to failure mechanisms. Proc. 20th NZGS Geotechnical Symposium. Eds. G.J. Alexander & C.Y. Chin, Napier

Stegmann, S., Baeten, N., Fleischmann, T., Kluger, M.O., Kreiter, S., Lange, M., Li, W., Roskoden, R., Rösner, A., Schunn, W., Völker, D. (2017) Report and preliminary results of R/V POSEIDON cruise POS472, NORGEotech, Geotechnical in situ investigation of slope stability in Norway, Trondheim (Norway) – Tromsø (Norway), 27.07.2014 – 12.08.2014. Berichte, MARUM – Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Universität Bremen, No. 313, 103 pages. Bremen. ISSN 2195-9633.

Kluger, M.O.; Moon, V.G.; Kreiter, S.; Lowe, D.J.; Churchman, G.J.; Hepp, D.A.; Mörz, T. (2017) Tale of the unexpected: How halloysite predisposes flow sliding. Scientific Research Abstracts. Vol. 7, p. 417. Digilabs Pub., Bari, Italy. XVI International Clay Conference, Granada Spain.

Kluger, M.O.; Moon, V.G.; Kreiter, S.; Lowe, D.J.; Churchman, G.J.; Hepp, D.A.; Seibel, D.; Jorat, E.; Mörz, T. (2016) A new attraction-dissevreance model for explaining landsliding in clay-rich tephra, Poster Abstract NH41B-1783 presented at 2016 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 11-15 Dec.

Lowe, D.J.; Kluger, M.O.; Moon, V.G.; Kreiter, S.; Churchman, G.J.; Hepp, D.A.; Seibel, D.; Jorat, M.E.; Mörz, T. (2016): A new attraction-detachment model for explaining landsliding in clay-rich Quaternary tephras, eastern North Island, New Zealand. Poster Abstracts, Australasian Quaternary Association (AQUA) Biennial Conference “Quaternary Perspectives from the City of Volcanoes”, University of Auckland, Auckland, 5-9 December, 2016, p. 99.

Lowe, D.J.; Loame, R.C.; Moon, V.G.; Kluger, M.O.; Villamor, P.; de Lange, W.P.; Vandergoes, M.J.; Rees, A.B.H.; Davies, S.M.; Johnston, R.; Mörz, T. (2016): Tephra seismites: a new tool to evaluate, date, map, and model paleoseismicity using tephra liquefaction in c. 20,000-year-old lake sediments in the Waikato region, New Zealand. Presentation Abstracts, Australasian Quaternary Association (AQUA) Biennial Conference “Quaternary Perspectives from the City of Volcanoes”, University of Auckland, Auckland, 5-9 December, 2016, p. 100.

Kluger, M.O.; Kreiter, S.; L'Heureux, J.-S.; Stegmann, S.; Moon, V.; Mörz, T. (2015): In situ cyclic softening of marine silts by vibratory CPTU at Orkdalsfjord test site, mid Norway. Presentation, 7th Symposium on Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, Wellington, November 2015

Moon, V.; Lowe, D.J. G.; Cunningham, M.J.; Wyatt, J.B.; de Lange, W.P.; Churchmann, G.J.; Mörz, T.; Kreiter, S.; Kluger, M.O.; Jorat, M.E. (2015): Sensitive pyroclastic-derived halloysitic soils in northern New Zealand: Interplay of microstructure, minerals, and geomechanics. Volcanic Rocks and Soils. 3.


Kluger, MO (2017) Failure mechanisms and mobilization processes of coastal landslides in sensitive soils. PhD thesis. Universität Bremen, Faculty of Geosciences, Bremen, Germany

Kluger, MO (2014) Hypoplasticity: Parameter determination and numerical modeling of the Cuxhaven-Sand (in german). M.Sc.-Thesis, Universität Bremen, Faculty of Geosciences, Bremen, Germany

Kluger, MO (2011) Rock magnetic and optical microscopic characterization of NW-African desert dust. B.Sc.-Thesis, Universität Bremen, Faculty of Geosciences, Bremen, Germany