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Janssen, Alexander

Archived Page

This web page has not been updated since the former colleague left MARUM.

I am a re­search as­sist­ant in the work­ing group since Novem­ber 2015. I ac­com­plished my M.Sc. in geosciences at the Uni­versity of Bre­men in 2015. Dur­ing my mas­ters thesis I fo­cused on the sed­i­mento­lo­gical com­pos­i­tion and evol­u­tion of an un­in­hab­ited reef is­land in the Sper­monde Ar­chipelago in In­done­sia. I am a coastal geo­mor­pho­lo­gist, with ex­pert­ise in Geo­graphic In­form­a­tion Sys­tems ap­plied to the study of pa­leo shorelines.