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Huang, Guoyin

Archived Page

This web page has not been updated since the former colleague left MARUM.

PhD pro­ject: Po­ly­sac­cha­ri­des in­vol­ved in par­ti­cles for­ma­ti­on

Al­gal po­ly­sac­cha­ri­des play a pi­vo­tal role in the ma­ri­ne car­bon cy­cle be­cau­se some ty­pes ag­gre­ga­te into par­ti­cles that can sink and se­ques­ter car­bon in the oce­an. The ty­pes of po­ly­sac­cha­ri­des that ag­gre­ga­te into par­ti­cles re­main un­k­nown due to the ana­ly­ti­cal chal­len­ge to iden­ti­fy them in com­plex ma­tri­ces such as ma­ri­ne or­ga­nic mat­ter.

In this PhD pro­ject, our aim is to in­vest­ig­ate the mi­cro­al­gae po­ly­sac­cha­ri­des in­vol­ved in par­ti­cles for­ma­ti­on, pu­ri­fy the­se po­ly­sac­cha­ri­des and elu­ci­da­te their bio­lo­gi­cal role.

Re­se­arch In­te­rests

  • Marine glycobiology
  • Polysaccharide composition of microalgae and their exudates
  • Microalgae polysaccharide structure
  • Polysaccharide involved in particles formation
  • Interaction between microalgae polysaccharide and marine bacteria


2018.09-pre­sent Joint PhD student in the “Mar­ine Gly­cobi­o­logy” group of Dr. Jan-Hen­drik Hehem­ann at the MARUM/​​MPI MM Bre­men,Ger­ma­ny

2017.09-2018.08 phD student in Col­le­ge of Life Sci­ence,Si­Chuan Uni­ver­si­ty,Chi­na

2014.09-2017.06 Master’s degree in Microbiology,Col­le­ge of Life Sci­ence,Si­Chuan Uni­ver­si­ty,Chi­na

2010.09-2014.06 Bachelor of biological science, Col­le­ge of Life Sci­ence,Chong­Qing Uni­ver­si­ty,Chi­na