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Dr. Enqing Huang

Archived Page

This web page has not been updated since the former colleague left MARUM.

Research Interests

• Stable isotopic composition and trace elements of planktonic and benthic foraminifera
• Deep-water ventilation and global carbon cycle
• Asian and African paleo-monsoon systems


2009-2013, Ph.D. candidate at MARUM, Universität Bremen
Ph.D. thesis: Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation during the last glacial and deglacial: Inferences from the Atlantic tropical thermocline temperature and seawater radiocarbon activity

2006-2009, M.Sc. in Marine Geology, Tongji University, Shanghai
Master thesis: Late Quaternary millennial-scale climatic oscillations in the tropical South China Sea

2002-2006, B.Sc. in Geology, Tongji University, Shanghai
Bachelor thesis: Early Pliocene precession rhythm of African monsoon and Mediterranean sea surface productivity

Peer-reviewed Publications

Submitted/In Press

Huang, E., L. Skinner, S. Mulitza, A. Paul, and M. Schulz, A 14C-depleted abyssal Atlantic Ocean prior to the Last Glacial Maximum and its potential influence on the atmospheric Δ14C, submitted to Geophysical Research Letters.


Huang, E., S. Mulitza, A. Paul, J. Groeneveld, S. Steinke, and M. Schulz (2012), Response of eastern tropical Atlantic central waters to Atlantic meridional overturning circulation changes during the Last Glacial Maximum and Heinrich Stadial 1, Paleoceanography, 27, PA3229, doi:10.1029/2012PA002294.

Huang, E., Tian, J., 2012. Sea-level rises at Heinrich Stadials of early Marine Isotope Stage 3: evidence of terrigenous n-alkanes input in the southern South China Sea. Global and Planetary Changes 94-95: 1-12.

Huang, E., Tian, J., Steinke, S., 2011. Millennial-scale dynamics of the winter cold tongue in the southern South China Sea over the past 26 ka and the East Asia winter monsoon. Quaternary Research 75, 196-204

Collins, J.A., Schefuß, E., Heslop, D., Mulitza, S., Prange, M., Zabel, M., Tjallingii, R., Dokken, T. M., Huang, E., Mackensen, A., Schulz, M., Tian, J., Zarriess, M., Wefer, G., 2011. Interhemispheric symmetry of the tropical African rainbelt over the past 23,000 years. Nature Geoscience 4, 42-45

Tian, J., Huang, E., Pak, D.K., 2010. East Asia winter monsoon during the last glacial cycle: Insights from a latitudinal sea-surface temperature gradient across the South China Sea. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 292, 319-324

Huang E-Q, Tian J, 2008. Melt-Water-Pulse (MWP) events and abrupt climate change of the last deglaciation. Chinese Science Bulletin, 53(18): 2867-2878


• RV SONNE SO-228/Leg 2
Topic: Glacial sequestration of atmospheric CO2 in the deep Pacific (EISPAC); The hydrologic cycle of the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) and its influence on the Indonesian Throughflow (WESTWIND); Seismic Survey to support the IODP-full proposal 799 (SIODP)
Voyage: Jayapura, Indonesia-Townsville, Australia, 30th May-23th Jun., 2013

Topic: Response of Amazon sedimentation to deforestation, landuse and climate variability (AMADEUS)
Voyage: Recife, Brazil-Bridgetown, Barbados, 17th Feb.-12th Mar., 2012