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Holmes, Dakota Evan

Archived Page

This web page has not been updated since the former colleague left MARUM.


Dakota is a DAAD fellow within the Micropaleontology - Paleoceanography working group of MARUM. He is also Ph.D. Candidate in Physical Geography at the National University of Ireland Galway (NUI Galway), Ireland; where he researches past abrupt climate events using deep-sea climate archives to better constrain future climate predictions in a warming world. Dakota is specifically interested in science communication and outreach as a means to inspire tomorrow's leaders today; as well as increasing general accessibility to scientific research.
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© Dakota Holmes & MorPalaeo Lab

MorPalaeo Lab

Pursuing advances in palaeoceanography & climate change research in the Palaeoenvironmental Research Unit at the National University of Ireland Galway


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Network of Arctic Researchers in Ireland

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NARI is a platform for Irish-based researchers to enhance their interdisciplinary collaborative efforts, provide objective and independent scientific ...
