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Dr. Gerald Herrling

Archived Page

This web page has not been updated since the former colleague left MARUM.


  • Herrling G, Winter C (2018): Tidal inlet sediment bypassing at mixed-energy barrier islands. Coast. Eng. 140, 342–354. doi:10.1016/J.COASTALENG.2018.08.008
  • Herrling G, Winter C (2016): Spatiotemporal variability of sedimentology and morphology in the East Frisian barrier island system. Geo-Marine Lett., 1–13. DOI: 10.1007/s00367-016-0462-6
  • Herrling G, Winter C (2015): Tidally- and wind-driven residual circulation at the multiple-inlet system East Frisian Wadden Sea. Cont. Shelf Res., 106: 45–59. DOI:
  • Herrling G, Elsebach J, Ritzmann A (2014): Evaluation of Changes in the Tidal Regime of the Ems-Dollard and Lower Weser Estuaries by Mathematical Modelling. Die Küste, 81: 353 ff.
  • Herrling G, Winter C (2014): Morphological and sedimentological response of a mixed-energy barrier island tidal inlet to storm and fair-weather conditions. Earth Surface Dynamics, 2(1): 363–82. DOI: 10.5194/esurf-2-363-2014

Conference talks

  • Herrling G, Benninghoff M, Zorndt A, Winter C (2017): Drivers of channel-shoal morphodynamics at the outer Weser estuary. Coastal Dynamics Conf., Helsingoer, Denmark

  • Herrling G, Winter C (2016): Barrier island ebb-tidal delta sediment dynamics in response to a synthetic sequence of extreme storms. PECS. Scheveningen, Netherlands

  • Herrling G (2015): Historical development of the Ems-Dollard estuary and reconstruction of the tidal regime prior to major human impacts. Invitation by the Waddenacademie to the Ems-Dollard symposium, Delfzijl, Netherlands
  • Herrling G, Winter C (2015): Residual circulation patterns of a multiple-inlet system: implications for sedimentology and morphology. RCEM. Iquitos, Peru
  • Herrling G, Winter C (2013): Barrier island inlet dynamics and ebb-tidal delta sediment bypassing under high-energy storm and fair-weather conditions. RCEM. Santander, Spain
  • Herrling G, Winter C (2012): Morphological response of shoreface-connected ridges to high-energy hydrodynamic conditions. PECS. New York, USA
  • Herrling G, Winter C (2012): The effect of high-energy events on barrier island foreshore sedimentology and morphology – a process-based model study. TIDALITES. Caen, France
  • Herrling G, Knaack H, Kaiser R, Niemeyer HD (2010): Evaluation of design water levels at the Ems-Dollard estuary considering the effect of a storm surge barrier. ICCE. Shanghai, China
  • Herrling G, Knaack H, Kaiser R, Niemeyer HD (2010): Reproduction of storm surges and evaluation of design water levels at the Ems-Dollard estuary by mathematical modeling. SSC, Storm Surge Conference. Hamburg, Germany
  • Herrling G, Elsebach J (2008): Assessment criteria for the identification of human impacs on water bodies by morphodynamic investigation. ICCE, Hamburg, Germany
  • Herrling G, Niemeyer HD (2008): Changes of the Hydrodynamic Regime due to Historical Pressures on Estuarine Geomorphology; the Example of the Ems-Dollard Estuary, German-Dutch Ems Workshop, Emden, Germany

Conference proceedings

  • Herrling G, Benninghoff M, Zorndt A, Winter C (2017): Drivers of channel-shoal morphodynamics at the outer Weser estuary. Coastal Dynamics Conf., Helsingoer, Denmark

  • Herrling G, Winter C (2014): Grain-size dependent sediment bypassing at barrier island tidal inlets. Proceedings of the 17th Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas (PECS) conference. Porto de Galinhas, Brazil; 2014.
  • Herrling G, Knaack H, Kaiser R, Niemeyer HD (2011): Evaluation of design water levels at the Ems-Dollard estuary considering the effect of a storm surge barrier. Coastal Engineering Proceedings. Shanghai, China; 2010, 1-32. DOI:
  • Herrling G, Elsebach J. (2008): Assessment criteria for the identification of human impacts on water bodies by morphodynamic investigations. Coastal Engineering Proceedings. Hamburg, Germany; 2008. 5-31, p. 4620–4632.