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Prof. Dr. Christian Hallmann

Archived Page

This web page has not been updated since the former colleague left MARUM.

Edu­ca­ti­on, Trai­ning, Ap­point­ments

sin­ce 2012 Max-Planck-Re­se­arch-Group lea­der MPI for Bio­geo­che­mis­try
sin­ce 2012 Staff Sci­en­tist & Lec­tu­rer MARUM
2010-2011 Post­doc­to­ral As­so­cia­te MIT
2008-2009 Agou­ron Post­doc­to­ral Fel­low in Geo­bio­lo­gy MIT
2005-2009 PhD in Ap­p­lied Che­mis­try Cur­tin Uni­ver­si­ty
1999-2004 Di­plom in Geo­lo­gy-Pa­leon­to­lo­gy Uni­ver­si­ty of Co­lo­gne


Our lab uses me­thods of mole­cu­lar and iso­to­pic or­ga­nic geo­che­mis­try to stu­dy Pre­cam­bri­an Earth sys­tem evo­lu­ti­on and en­han­ce our un­der­stan­ding of the co-evo­lu­ti­on of en­vi­ron­men­tal con­di­ti­ons and or­ga­nis­mic di­ver­si­ty. Two key fo­cus are­as are the Ar­che­an–Pro­te­ro­zoic boun­da­ry, which wit­nessed the first rise of at­mo­s­phe­ric oxy­gen, and the Neo­pro­te­ro­zoic Era. Du­ring the lat­ter pe­ri­od, strong im­ba­lan­ces in the ma­ri­ne car­bon cy­cle were ac­com­pa­nied by se­ve­re gla­ci­al epi­so­des, chan­ges in glo­bal oce­an che­mis­try and the first ap­pearan­ce of com­plex bio­ta in the form of me­ta­zoa. Using bio­mar­ker li­pids and their sta­ble iso­to­pic com­po­si­ti­on we at­tempt to un­der­stand the con­nec­tion bet­ween the­se in­di­vi­du­al ob­ser­va­tions.

Cur­rent­ly teaching

  • 05-GEO-2-K8-1 - Molecular Geobiology (since 2012)

Selec­ted pu­bli­ca­ti­ons

Feulner G*, Hallmann C*, Kienert H (2015) Snowball cooling after algal rise. Nature Geoscience 8: 659–662. Link

French K*, Hallmann C, Hope J, Schoon PL, Zumberge JA, Hoshino Y, Peters CA, George SC, Love GD, Brocks JJ, Buick R, Summons RE (2015) Reappraisal of hydrocarbon biomarkers in Archean rocks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 112: 5915–5920. Link

Hallmann C*, Summons RE (2014) Paleobiological clues to early atmospheric evolution. In: Canfield D, Kasting J, Farquhar J (Eds) Treatise on geochemistry 2nd Ed., Vol. 6: The atmosphere – History Elsevier. pp 139–155. Link

Hallmann C*, Schwark L, Grice K (2008) Community dynamics of anaerobic bacteria in deep petroleum reservoirs. Nature Geoscience 1, 588–591. Link