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Curriculum Vitae

PD Dr. Cornelius Fischer


Professional Career

2012 - presentSenior research scientist, MARUM / FB Geowissenschaften, Universität Bremen
2009 - presentAdjunct Assistant Professor of Earth Science, Rice University, Houston (USA)
2008 - 2011Head of an Independent Junior Research Group, Universität Göttingen
2006 - 2008Feodor Lynen Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Rice University Houston (USA)
2003 - 2006Postdoctoral researcher, Universität Göttingen
2002 - 2003Postdoctoral researcher and consultant for RWE-Dea and ExxonMobil, Universität Jena


2011Habilitation and venia legendi for Geology and Mineralogy, Universität Göttingen
2002Dr. rer. nat., Universität Jena
1992-1999Study of Physics and Geology, Diplom in Geology, Universität Jena

Awards and Honors

2012Hermann Credner Award, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften
2006Feodor Lynen Fellowship, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
2000Graduate student stipend, Land Thüringen