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Duran Vinent, Orencio

Archived Page

This web page has not been updated since the former colleague left MARUM.

My research revolves around three interrelated areas: (1) interaction of biotic and geomorphic processes, (2) multi-scale dune morphodynamics and (3) sediment transport. Questions that motivate my work include: How much of observed behavior is due to the internal nonlinear dynamics of the system or a complex response to an external forcing? How much the dynamics at large scales results from processes at small scales? How relevant are feedbacks between processes acting at different temporal and/or spatial scales? With these questions in mind my focus is on finding scaling laws, characteristic times and lengths, and dimensionless numbers behind morphological transitions and steady states of the nonlinear evolution.

To address these problems, I strongly rely on the interplay between advanced computational models, simplified analytical descriptions and field observations. In particular, I have been working on a two phase discrete element model (DEM) for sediment transport; continuous differential equations for bedform morphodynamic coupled with biotic evolution; statistical and hierarchical agent-based models for large-scale dune fields; among other research techniques.

I am or have been interested on the dynamic of barrier islands; the role of vegetation on dune stabilization and dune-field nucleation; the formation, stability and scaling laws of aeolian ripples and dunes; the emergence and multi-scale evolution of dune-fields; the scaling laws of sediment transport and the transition from bed load to saltation; the micromechanics of granular media; and even had some fun with game theory.
For a list of my publications you are invited to visit my profile in Google Scholar.