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Dr. Anna Joy Drury

Archived Page

This web page has not been updated since the former colleague left MARUM.

Research Interests

  • Neogene climate evolution and palaeoceanography
  • Cyclostratigraphy and astrochronology
  • Stable isotopes and trace elements as palaeoclimate proxies
  • Preservation of geochemical signals in foraminifera

Recent Publications

  • Littler, K., Westerhold, T., Drury, A.J., Liebrand, D., Lisieki, L., Pälike, H., in press, ‘Astronomical Time Keeping of Earth History: An Invaluable Contribution of Scientific Ocean Drilling’, Oceanography, 32 (1), PDF
  • Lyle, M., Drury, A.J., Tian, J., Wilkens, R., Westerhold, T., 2018, ‘Late Miocene to Recent High Resolution Eastern Equatorial Pacific Carbonate Records: Stratigraphy linked by dissolution and paleoproductivity’, in revision, Climate of the Past Discussion, PDF
  • Drury, A.J., Lee, G.P., Gray, W.R, Lyle, M., Westerhold, T., Shevenell, A.E., John, C.M., 2018, ‘Deciphering the state of the late Miocene to early Pliocene equatorial Pacific’, Paleoceanography & Paleoclimatology, 33, DOI:10.1002/2017PA003245 PANGAEA PDF
  • Drury, A. J., Westerhold, T., Hodell, D., Röhl, U., 2018, 'Reinforcing the North Atlantic backbone: revision and extension of the composite splice at ODP Site 982', Climates of the Past, 14, 321-338, DOI:10.5194/cp-2017-108 PANGAEA PDF

Reseach Employment and Education

Jan 2019 - Present: Research fellow on 'Late Miocene Climate Dynamics of the Western Pacific Warm Pool' (MARUM, Bremen)
Nov 2017 - Jan 2019: Postdoctoral researcher on EARTHSEQUENCING (MARUM, Bremen)
Apr 2017 - Sept 2017: Research fellow on 'West­ern Pa­cific Warm Pool framework' (MARUM, Bremen)
Apr 2014 - Mar 2017: Postdoc­toral po­s­i­tion on the late Miocene timescale controversy (MARUM, Bre­men)
Oct 2010 - Feb 2014: PhD on late Mio­cene and early Plio­cene cli­mate vari­ab­il­ity (Im­per­ial Col­lege Lon­don, UK)
Oct 2009 - Sep 2010: MSc in Geoscience (pa­laeo­cli­mate), (Uni­versity Col­lege Lon­don, UK)
Nov 2008 - Feb 2009: Re­search in­tern­ship at the Royal Dutch Met­eor­o­lo­gical In­sti­tute (KNMI) mod­el­ling changes in wet­land meth­ane emis­sions between 21 ka to 0 ka (De Bilt, The Neth­er­lands)
Sep 2005 - Aug 2008: Double Ma­jor (Uni­versity Col­lege Utrecht, Utrecht Uni­versity, the Neth­er­lands):
BSc in Liberal Arts and Sciences (Earth Sciences, chemistry, physical chemistry)
BA in Liberal Arts and Sciences (history, Chinese, performing arts)

Other Activities

Research Cruises

IODP Expedition 363 Western Pacific Warm Pool
I sailed as a Physical Properties Specialist on IODP Exp. 363 to the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP). Recovering 9 sites in the western equatorial Pacific and eastern Indian Ocean, this expedition aimed to understand the interaction between climate and the WPWP from the middle Miocene to Holocene.

Teaching and Workshops

2016-2018 Instructor of the Virtual Drillship lecture and practical on Physical Properties, during the ECORD Training Course, MARUM
2017-2018 “Tales of a Recent Expedition” lecture, ECORD Summer School, MARUM, Bremen
2017 Instructor of the Virtual Drillship lecture and practical on Stratigraphic Correlation, during the ECORD Summer School on Cur­rent-Con­trolled Sea Floor Archives: Coral Mounds and Con­tour­ites, 2017, MARUM
Oct 2015: Co-organiser workshop on ‘Career Opportunities in German Academia’
2010-2014: Graduate teaching assistant for undergraduate/MSc courses (class/field based), ICL
2011-2013: Coordinator of Graduate Teaching Assistants for class and field based courses, ICL


Nov 2018 Buten un Binnen Interview “Brexit verunsichert Bremer Britten”, Bremen
Sep 2018 Buten un Binnen Interview “Wir lieben Bremen, weil ... Zwei Zugezogene erzählen”, Bremen
Aug 2018 MARUM booth at Explore Science! "Astronomy", Klaus Tschira Foundation, Bremen
Oct-Dec 2016: Outreach webinars from the Joides Resolution as part of IODP Exp. 363.

Committee and Review experience

2015-present: Reviewer (including for Nature Geoscience, EPSL, Paleoceanography, Palaeo3)
Aug 2017: Physical Properties representative at the IODP Expedition 363 editorial review meeting
2014-2016: Postdoctoral Representative, MARUM
2014-2015: Organiser of ‘Meet&Greet’ sessions at MARUM with senior academics for early career scientists
Sept 2014: Session chair ‘5th Marine & Climate Early Career Scientists Conference’, MARUM
2010-2013: Committee member Earth Science and Engineering Graduate Society, ICL
Departmental PhD student representation and organisation of events and fieldtrips.
2009-2010 Student representative for MSc Geoscience programme, UCL