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Dr. Rodrigo da Costa Portilho Ramos

Archived Page

This web page has not been updated since the former colleague left MARUM.

CV Lattes:


  • Paleoceanography

  • Paleoclimatology

  • Marine Geology

  • sedimentology

Research topics

  • Late Quaternary Paleoceanography

  • Paleoclimate in South America

  • Paleoceanography of Atlantic Ocean

  • Millennial-scale events

  • Response of Cold Water Coral to paleoceanographic / paleoclimate changes.



2017 – Present

Post-doc researcher within the project: ATLAS at MARUM - Bremen/Germany

2016 - 2017

Postdoctorate Position in Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology Laboratory, University of São Pau-lo, São Paulo/Brazil

2012 - 2014

Postdoctorate Position within the project: AMADEUS at MARUM - Bremen/Germany

2010 - 2012

Postdoctorate Position at the Department of Environmental Geochemistry at the Federal University Fluminense (UFF), Brazil.

2006 - 2010

Ph.D. degree in Geosciences at the Department of Environmental Geochemistry at the Federal University Fluminense (UFF), Brazil.

2004 - 2006

Master degree in Geosciences at the Department of Environmental Geochemistry at the Federal University Fluminense (UFF), Brazil.

2004 - 2008

Teaching Degree in Biology/Life Science. (Brazilian Licenciatura)

Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, UNIRIO, Brazil.

1998 - 2003

Bachelor Degree in Biology/Life Science (B.Sc.) at Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, UNIRIO, Brazil.


Campos, MC, Chiessi, CM, Venancio, IM, Pinho, TML, Crivellari, S, Kuhnert, H, Schmiedl, G, Díaz, RA, Albuquerque, ALS, Portilho‐Ramos, RC, Bahr, A and Mulitza, S. Constraining millennial-scale changes in Northern Component Water ventilation in the western tropical South Atlantic. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 35 (7). doi: 10.1029 / 2020PA003876. 2020.

Venancio, IM; Shimizu, MH; Santos, TP; Lessa, DO; Portilho-Ramos, RC .; Chiessi, CM; Crivellari, S .; Mulitza, S .; Kuhnert, H .; Tiedemann, R .; Vahlenkamp, ​​M .; Bickert, T .; Sampaio, G .; Albuquerque, ALS; Veiga, S .; Nobre, P .; Nobre, C. Changes in surface hydrography at the western tropical Atlantic during the Younger Dryas. Global and Planetary Change . Thu: 10.1016 / j.gloplacha.2019.103047. 2019 .

Waelbroeck, C .; Portilho-Ramos, RC . et al. Consistently dated Atlantic sediment cores over the last 40 thousand years. Scientific Data , doi: 10.1038 / s41597-019-0173-8 1. 2019 .

Portilho-Ramos, RC ; Pinho, TML; Barbosa, CF; Chiessi, CM Understanding the mechanisms behind high glacial productivity in the southern Brazilian margin. Climate of the Past , doi: 10.5194 / cp-15-943-2019. 2019 .

Hebbeln, D .; Portilho-Ramos, RC ; Wienberg, C .; Titschack, J. The Fate of Cold-Water Corals in a Changing World: A Geological Perspective. Frontiers in Marine Science , doi: 10.3389 / fmars.2019.00119. 2019.

Crivellari, S .; Chiessi, CM; Kuhnert, H .; Haggi, C .; Mollenhauer, G .; Stapler, J .; Portilho-Ramos, RC; Schefuss, E .; Mulitza, S. Thermal response of the western tropical Atlantic to slowdown of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters , doi: 10.1016 / j.epsl.2019.05.006. 2019.

Portilho-Ramos, RC; Cruz, APS; Barbosa, CF; Rathburn, AE; Mulitza, S .; Venancio, IM; Schwenk, T .; Rühlemann, C .; Vidal, L .; Chiessi, CM; Silveira, CS Methane release from the southern Brazilian margin during the last glacial. Scientific Reports , doi: 10.1038 / s41598-018-24420-0. 2018.

Crivellari, S .; Chiessi, CM; Kuhnert, H .; Häggi, C .; Portilho-Ramos, RC; Zeng, JY; ang, Z .; Schefuß, E .; Mollenhauer, G .; Hefter, J .; Alexandre, F .; Sampaio, G .; Mulitza, S. Increased Amazon freshwater discharge during late Heinrich Stadial 1st Quaternary Science Reviews , doi: 10.1016 / j.quascirev.2017.12.005. 2018.

Zhang, Z .; Chiessi, CM; Zhang, Y .; Mulitza, S .; Sawakuchi, AO; Häggi, C .; Zabel, M .; Portilho-Ramos, RC .; Schefuß, E .; Crivellari, S .; Wefer, G. Different precipitation patterns across tropical South America during Heinrich and Dansgaard-Oeschger stadials. Quaternary Science Review , doi: 10.1016 / j.quascirev.2017.10.012. 2017.

Portilho-Ramos, RC .; Chiessi, CM; Zhang, Y .; Mulitza, S .; Kucera, M .; Siccha, M .; Prange, M., Paul, A .. Coupling of equatorial Atlantic surface stratification to glacial shifts in the tropical rainbelt. Scientific Reports , doi: 10.1038 / s41598-017-01629-z. 2017.

Mulitza, S .; Chiessi, Cm; Schefuß, E .; Lippold, J .; Wichmann, D .; Antz, B .; Mackensen, A .; Paul, A .; Prange, M .; Rehfeld, K .; Werner, M .; Bickert, T .; Frank, N .; Kuhnert, H .; Lynch-Stieglitz, J. Portilho-Ramos, RC ; Sawakuchi, AO; Schulz, M .; Schwenk, T .; Tiedemann, R .; Vahlenkamp, ​​M .; Zhang, Y .. Synchronous deglacial changes in Atlantic Meridional Overturning and northeast Brazilian precipitation. Paleoceanography . Doi: 1002 / 2017PA003084. 2017.

Portilho-Ramos, RC , Ferreira, F., Calado, L., Frontalini, F., Toledo, MB. Variability of the upwelling system in the southeastern brazilian margin for the last 110,000 years. Global and Planetary Change, doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2015.11.003. 2015.

Portilho-Ramos, RC , Ferreira, F., Lago, LC, Silva, AGV, Jaworski, KS, Toledo, MB. optimum event as a new biostratigraphical marker for the late Quaternary sediments from southeastern Brazilian margin. Palaios, v. 29, p. 578-593, 2014.Globorotalia crassaformisbiostratigraphical marker for the late Quaternary sediments from southeastern Brazilian margin. Palaios, v. 29, p. 578-593, 2014.

Portilho-Ramos, RC , Barbosa, CF, Rios-Netto, AM. Planktonic foraminifera variations in the southwestern Atlantic since the last glacial-interglacial cycle. Palaios, v. 29, p. 38-44, 2014.

Lessa, DVO, Portilho-Ramos, RC ., Barbosa, CF, Silva, AR, Belém, AL, Turcq, B., Albuquerque, ALS. Planktonic foraminifera in a western boundary upwelling system sediments of Cabo Frio, Brazil: a biofacies model designed for palaeoenvironmental applications. Marine Micropaleontology (Print), v. 106, p. 55-68, 2014.upwelling system sediments of Cabo Frio, Brazil: a biofacies model designed for palaeoenvironmental applications. Marine Micropaleontology (Print), v. 106, p. 55-68, 2014.

Albuquerque, ALS, Belém, AL, Portilho-Ramos, RC ., Mendoza, U., Santos, H., Barbosa, CF. Processos geoquímicos e oceanográficos no limit entre Bacias de Campos e Santos: passado e presente. Boletim de Geociências da Petrobras (Online), v. 20, p. 193, 2012 .

Portilho-Ramos, RC ; Rios Net, AM; Barbosa, CF. Caracterização bioestratigráfica do Neógeno superior da bacia de Santos com base em foraminíferos planctônicos. Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia, v. 9, p. 349-354, 2006 .



  • iAtlantic - Integrated Assessment of Atlantic Marine Ecosystems in Space and Time (2020-2021)
  • ATLAS - A Trans-Atlantic Assessment and deep-water ecosystem-based Spatial management plan for Europe (2016-2020).
  • AMADEUS - Response of sedimentation Amazon to deforestation, land use and climate variability (Expedition RV Maria S. Merian MSM20 / 3, Spring 2012).
  • Biofacies of foraminifera in cold / gas seeps of Brazilian continental slope of Santos Basin.


  • RETRO - Response of tropical Atlantic surface and intermediate waters to changes in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (ESF-Project within EuroMARC).
  • Reconstituição Paleoambiental do Neógeno Costeiro e Offshore do Rio de Janeiro com base em Microfósseis
  • Variabilidade da produtividade atual e passada em uma região de ressurgência costeira (Cabo Frio, RJ): Caracterização da evolução do balanço produção X degradação da matéria orgânica.
  • Zoneamento biofaciológico de foraminíferos da plataforma e talude continental the Bacias de Campos e Santos.
  • Museu didático-científico-pedagógico em Paleontologia e Micropaleontologia. MCT / SECIS / CNPq-07/2003, linha de ação 2, Processo 402669 / 2003-7


Scientific crew member

  • RV PELAGIA : 64PE449 KUNOXI, Angola - Namibia, February 15th - March 10th, 2019.
  • RV MARION DUFRESNE : MD 173 RETRO, Fortaleza-Brazil, October 17-26, 2009 .