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Breckenfelder, Tilia


My ArcTrain project is: Lateral exchange of heat and freshwater between the western boundary and the North Atlantic Current (supervised by Prof. Dr. Monika Rhein)


currentlyPhD student at MARUM and Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP), University of Bremen
02/2012Diploma in physics, Free University of Berlin, Germany
Diploma thesis at Institute of Marine Atmospheric Research Utrecht (IMAU), Utrecht University, Netherlands
09/2007 - 08/2008Visiting student at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal

Research Cruises

06/2015 - 07/2015RV Polarstern PS 93.1, Longyearbyean, Norway - Tromsø, Norway
05/2014 - 06/2014RV Maria S. Merian MSM-38, Cadiz, Spain - St. John´s, Canada