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Dr. Ilham Bouimetarhan


Archived Page

This web page has not been updated since the former colleague left MARUM.

Research Interest

  • Climate and hydrological changes in monsoonal regions e.g., African monsoon, South American monsoon, Indian Summer Monsoon
  • Climate variability in tropical/subtropical region e.g., Western Sahel, Southeast Africa, South America, Northeast India inferred from high-resolution palynological studies
  • Development of African, South American, South Asian vegetation during times of abrupt climate changes
  • Reconstruction of oceanic conditions in the tropical Atlantic and Indian Oceans
  • Land-Ocean-Atmosphere interaction
  • Paleoecological analysis (pollen, spores, organic dinoflagellate cysts and fresh water algae, microcharcoal)


  • 2006-2009 PhD studies
    Thesis: Oceanic and climatic variability in the eastern tropical North Atlantic and over western Sahel during the last deglaciation and the Holocene
    MARUM-Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen
  • 2004 Diplome d'Etudes Supérieures spécialisées (MSc)
    EU project COLASU: Sustainability of Mediterranean Coastal Lagoon Ecosystems Under Semi-Arid Climate
    Thesis: Integrated Management of Littoral and Marine Environments through ecological and environmental studies of the Nador lagoon (NE Morocco). Faculté des sciences de Rabat, Morocco
  • 2001 Licence és-sciences in Geology
    Option: Palynology, Paleobotany and Application to Oil Research
    Faculté des sciences de Rabat, Morocco
