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Bakker, Pepijn

Archived Page

This web page has not been updated since the former colleague left MARUM.

Publications available via:

Research Gate

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Current Projects:




Geosystem Modeling




2016 -Postdoctoral researcher, MARUM, Bremen University, Germany
2014 - 2016Postdoctoral researcher, Oregon State University, USA
2010 - 2014PhD in paleoclimate modeling, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Department of Earth Sciences, Netherlands.
2008 - 2010MSc in Meteorology, Physical Oceanography and Climate, Faculty of Science Physics and Astronomy, Universiteit Utrecht, Netherlands.
2004 - 2007BSc in Earth Sciences, Faculty of Geosciences, Universiteit Utrecht, Netherlands.
Other publications:

PhD thesis: Modelling the climate of the Last Interglacial: The evolution of the Last Interglacial climate and its sensitivity to melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet, an investigation through model intercomparison and model-data comparison. Promotor: Prof Hans Rensen.
Master thesis: Bakker P.: The Morteratsch Glacier; Field measurements and a modeling study. Master Thesis Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht, pp. 58., 2010.
Bakker, P., Govin, A., Thornalley, D., Roche, D., Renssen, H.: PAGES Newsletter Article Vol 23, No 1, January 2015: Modeling deep ocean flow speeds and δ13C during the last interglacial: towards a more direct model-data comparison.
Stone, E.J., Bakker, P., Charbit, S., Ritz, S.P., Varma, V.: PAGES Newsletter Article Vol 21, No 1, March 2013: Insights into palaeoclimate modeling.
Stone, E.J., Bakker, P., Charbit, S., Ritz, S.P., Varma, V.: PAGES Newsletter Article Vol 21, No 1, March 2013: A climate model inter-comparison of last interglacial peak warmth.