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Dr. Eoghan Reeves

Archived Page

This web page has not been updated since the former colleague left MARUM.

From September 2013 on I will be at the
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Department at MIT

Links to Lab pages:
Organic Geochemistry / Hinrichs Lab
Petrology of the Ocean Crust / Bach Lab

Research Interests:
Geo­che­mis­try/​bio­geo­che­mis­try of hydro­ther­mal sys­tems, in­clu­ding:
● Pro­ces­ses con­trol­ling the for­ma­ti­on and evo­lu­ti­on of vent flu­id com­po­si­ti­ons
● Car­bon che­mis­try and car­bon-sul­fur in­ter­ac­tions in hydro­ther­mal sys­tems
● Mag­ma­tic-hydro­ther­mal sys­tems in back-arc bas­ins
● Or­ga­nic geo­che­mis­try of hydro­ther­mal chim­ney struc­tu­res
● Ex­pe­ri­men­tal hydro­ther­mal geo­che­mis­try
● Tech­ni­ques in dis­sol­ved gas ana­ly­ses

Curriculum Vitae in brief:
2010-2013: MARUM Post­doc­to­ral Fel­low
2005-2010: Ph.D. Geo­che­mis­try, Mas­sa­chu­setts In­sti­tu­te of Tech­no­lo­gy / Woods Hole Ocea­no­gra­phic In­sti­tu­ti­on Joint Pro­gram
2004-2005: M.Sc. Geo­che­mis­try, Uni­ver­si­ty of Leeds, U.K.
1999-2002: B.Sc. Geo­lo­gi­cal Ocea­no­gra­phy, Ban­gor Uni­ver­si­ty, U.K.

2013 FK008 - R/​V Fal­kor/​HROV Ne­reus - Mid-Ca­yman Rise, Ca­rib­be­an Sea
2012 AT18-16 - R/​V At­lan­tis/​ROV Ja­son II - Mid-Ca­yman Rise, Ca­rib­be­an Sea
2011 SO-216 - R/​V Son­ne/​ROV Quest 4000m - Ma­nus Ba­sin, Pa­pua New Gui­nea
2010 M82/3 - R/​V Me­te­or/​ROV Quest 4000m - Me­nez Gwen seg­ment, Mid-At­lan­tic Ridge
2008 AT15-38 - R/​V At­lan­tis/​DSV Al­vin - Gu­ay­mas Ba­sin/​East Pa­ci­fic Rise (9-10°N)
2008 KNOX18RR - R/​V Ro­ger Re­vel­le/​ROV Ja­son II - Mid-At­lan­tic Ridge
2006 MGLN06MV - R/​V Mel­vil­le/​ROV Ja­son II - Ma­nus Ba­sin, Pa­pua New Gui­nea
2005 TUIM05MV - R/​V Mel­vil­le/​ROV Ja­son II - Lau Ba­sin

Publications / Manuscripts in Review (08/2013)

Lang, S.Q., Früh-Green, G.L., Kel­ley, D.S., Lil­ley, M.D., Pro­s­kurow­ski, G. and Reeves, E.P. (2012) H2/​CH4 ra­ti­os can­not re­lia­bly dis­tin­gu­ish abio­tic vs. bio­tic me­tha­ne in na­tu­ral hydro­ther­mal sys­tems. PNAS, 109(47), E3210 (on­line Let­ter).

Pes­ter, N.J., Reeves, E.P., Rough, M.E., Ding, K., See­wald, J.S. and Sey­fried, W.E. Jr. (2012) Sub­seaf­loor pha­se equi­li­bria in high-tem­pe­ra­tu­re hydro­ther­mal fluids of the Lu­cky Strike Se­a­m­ount (Mid-At­lan­tic Ridge, 37°17'N). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 90, pp303–322.

Reeves, E.P., See­wald, J.S. and Syl­va, S. (2012) Hy­dro­gen iso­to­pe ex­ch­an­ge bet­ween n-al­ka­nes and wa­ter un­der hydro­ther­mal con­di­ti­ons. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 77, pp582-599.

Reeves, E.P., See­wald, J.S., Sac­cocia, P., Bach, W., Crad­dock, P.R., Shanks, W.C., Syl­va, S.P., Walsh, E., Pi­ch­ler, T., and Ros­ner, M. (2011) Geo­che­mis­try of hydro­ther­mal fluids from the PAC­MA­NUS, Nor­theast Pual and Vi­en­na Woods hydro­ther­mal fiel­ds, Ma­nus Ba­sin, Pa­pua New Gui­nea. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75, pp1088–1123.

Mottl, M.J., See­wald, J.S., Wheat, C.G., Ti­vey, M.K., Mi­cha­el, P.J., Pro­s­kurow­ski, G., Mc­Col­lom, T., Reeves, E., Shar­key, J., You, C.F., Chan, L.H., and Pi­ch­ler, T. (2011) Che­mis­try of hot springs along the Eas­tern Lau Sprea­ding Cen­ter. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75, pp1013-1038.

New­ton, R.J., Reeves, E.P., Ka­fou­sia, N., Wi­gnall, P.B., Bott­rell, S.H., and Sha, J.G. (2011) Low ma­ri­ne sul­fa­te con­cen­tra­ti­ons and the iso­la­ti­on of the Eu­ro­pean epi­con­ti­nen­tal sea du­ring the Ear­ly Ju­ras­sic. Geology, 39, pp7-10.

Crad­dock, P.R., Bach, W., See­wald, J.S., Rou­xel, O.J., Reeves, E., and Ti­vey, M.K. (2010) Rare earth ele­ment ab­un­dan­ces in hydro­ther­mal fluids from the Ma­nus Ba­sin, Pa­pua New Gui­nea: In­di­ca­tors of sub­seaf­loor hydro­ther­mal pro­ces­ses in back-arc bas­ins. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74, pp5494-5513.

Wi­gnall, P.B., Hallam, A., New­ton, R.J., Sha, J.G., Reeves, E., Mat­tio­li, E., and Crow­ley, S. (2006) An eas­tern Te­thyan (Ti­be­tan) re­cord of the Ear­ly Ju­ras­sic (To­ar­ci­an) mass extinc­tion event. Geobiology, 4, pp179-190.