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"VOLCANOES" - a captivating journey to the Earth's mountains of fire.

Mar 10, 2023
The exhibition center Lokschuppen in Rosenheim shows volcano exhibition, exhibits and technical expertise from Bremen
View of the exhibition VULKANE. Photo: vkr
View of the exhibition VULKANE. Photo: vkr

From March 10 to December 10, the exhibition "Volcanoes" will be on display in Upper Bavaria at the "Lokschuppen Rosenheim" exhibition center. Visitors digitally enter the midst of a violent volcanic eruption, travel virtually to the center of the earth and experience how people live at and with volcanoes. A large number of volcano researchers are involved in the design and concept, and the exhibits are on loan from several European countries.


On an area of 1,500 square meters, 269 exhibits are on display, including 134 originals, 14 models, and three reconstructions. The MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences and the Geosciences Department of the University of Bremen were also involved in the development of the exhibition and the provision of exhibition material. Among other things, three original black smokers, a large pillow lava, and image and video material from the deep sea were loaned to Rosenheim from Bremen.

Further information about the volcano exhibition can be found here.

Einige der MARUM-Exponate in der Ausstellung. Foto: Gerhard Bohrmann
Einige der MARUM-Exponate in der Ausstellung. Foto: Gerhard Bohrmann
Die letzten Vorbereitungen laufen noch, die Ausstellung eröffnet am 10. März. Foto: Holger von Neuhoff
Die letzten Vorbereitungen laufen noch, die Ausstellung eröffnet am 10. März. Foto: Holger von Neuhoff