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Vera Lukies


Core Repository


+49 421 218-65568


+49 421-218



MARUM I - 0210

Vera Lukies


2024: IODP Expedition 389 - Hawaiian Drowned Reefs, Onshore Science Party in Bremen, ESO Petrophysics Technician as part of the ECORD Science Operator team (February 2024)

2018: IODP Expedition 381-Corinth Active Rift Development, Onshore Science Party in Bremen, ESO Petrophysics Technician as part of the ECORD Science Operator team (January/February 2018)

2016: IODP Expedition 364 - Chicxulub K-Pg Impact Crater, Onshore Science Party in Bremen, ESO Petrophysics Technician as part of the ECORD Science Operator team (September/October 2016)

2016: IODP Expedition 357 - Atlantis Massif Serpentinization and Life, Onshore Science Party in Bremen, ESO Petrophysics Technician as part of the ECORD Science Operator team (January/February 2016)

2014: IODP Expedition 347 - Baltic Sea Basin Paleoenvironment, Onshore Science Party in Bremen, ESO Petrophysics Technician as part of the ECORD Science Operator team (January/February 2014)

2012: Bighorn Basin Coring Project (BBCP) - Core Processing Science Party in Bremen, Petrophysics Technician (January 2012)

2010: IODP Expedition 325 - Great Barrier Reef Environmental Changes, Onshore Science Party in Bremen, ESO Petrophysics Technician as part of the ECORD Science Operator team

2009: IODP Expedition 313 - New Jersey Shallow Shelf, Onshore Science Party in Bremen, ESO Petrophysics Technician as part of the ECORD Science Operator team (November 2009)

2006: IODP Expedition 310 – Tahiti Sea Level, Onshore Science Party in Bremen, ESO Petrophysics Technician as part of the ECORD Science Operator team (February/March 2006)