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Top position in the Nature Index

Nov 13, 2019
In the Nature Index, the University of Bremen ranks third among young universities under 50 worldwide for publications in the field of Earth and environmental sciences. Photo: Michael Ihle/ University of Bremen
In the Nature Index, the University of Bremen ranks third among young universities under 50 worldwide for publications in the field of Earth and environmental sciences. Photo: Michael Ihle/ University of Bremen

Internationally successful: The University of Bremen is one of the leading young universities in the Nature Index for publications in the field of Earth and Environmental Sciences.  In a worldwide comparison of young universities under the age of 50, it ranks third and in Europe even first. Research in this area is concentrated in the key scientific area Marine, Polar and Climate Research, which is coordinated by MARUM.

Publications in scientific journals are among the most important indicators of universities and research institutions. Each year, the Nature Index publishes how often a research institution has been involved in publications in renowned journals in various disciplines.

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