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Top position in Nature Index

Dec 9, 2020
In the Nature Index, the University of Bremen holds a top position in the field of earth and environmental sciences. Photo: Michael Ihle, University of Bremen
In the Nature Index, the University of Bremen holds a top position in the field of earth and environmental sciences. Photo: Michael Ihle, University of Bremen

The University of Bremen is one of the leading research institutions in Germany. In the current "Nature Index" ranking, the University is among the top five German research institutions in the field of earth and environmental sciences, including two universities: Bayreuth and Bremen. Research in this area is bundled in the high profile area Marine, Polar and Climate Research, which is coordinated at MARUM.

The Nature Index is based on publications of articles in renowned scientific journals and currently lists universities, research institutes and non-academic institutions according to publications in 82 leading scientific journals during the year 2019.

Ranking Nature Index