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The university comes to town

Oct 14, 2021
With lectures, workshops, science shows, city tours, talk shows and the exhibition WARUM? DARUM. the university comes to the city from mid-October. Graphic: Uni Bremen
With lectures, workshops, science shows, city tours, talk shows and the exhibition WARUM? DARUM. the university comes to the city from mid-October. Graphic: Uni Bremen

To celebrate its founding 50 years ago, the University of Bremen is presenting itself in the city center in October. Lectures, workshops, science shows, city tours and talk shows are all part of the "Campus City" program. All offers between October 16 and 30 are free of charge.


Interested people can immerse themselves in the world of science and the university at various locations - such as MARKTHALLE ACHT, the Alte Sparkassenhalle am Brill, the Baumwollbörse Bremen, the Bürger- und Sozialzentrum Huchting, the Übersee-Museum Bremen, the Kunsthalle, the Gerhard-Marcks-Haus and many other places.

MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences at the University of Bremen is also participating in the program of events: In the Übersee-Museum Bremen, visitors can explore selected international networks of the scientific focus Marine, Polar and Climate Research at a touch exhibit during opening hours. The projects shown on the touch module make it evident how important interdisciplinarity and worldwide networking are for successful research. The monitor will remain at the museum beyond Campus City through Nov. 14.

Two of the projects will be explored in depth in lectures and a theme day. Prof. Ralf Bachmayer will show how deep-sea technologies support researchers' work at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 20. "Von Wellen und Wirbeln" (Of waves and eddies) is the title of the theme day on Friday, October 29. Between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., researchers from the "Energy Transfers in the Atmosphere and Ocean" project will present their work in a variety of formats.

An overview of all events is available at Interested parties can also register for events here. The 3G rule applies to all events.

In addition to Campus City, from Oct. 15 to Nov. 7, the exhibition "WARUM? DARUM." will be on display in the Lower Town Hall. Why is the University of Bremen an important part of Bremen's DNA? And where can it be found everywhere? On the occasion of its 50th anniversary, more than 50 exemplary locations throughout the state became visible. They show where researchers, teachers, and students are an important part of the economy, politics, administration, education or culture - and where ideas and cooperations from the university have brought about new things. Now the exhibition in the Lower Town Hall Hall summarizes all the places. Opening hours of the exhibition are always Wednesday to Sunday from 11 am to 6 pm. Admission is free. The 3G rule also applies here.

Weltweit vernetzt: An einem Touch-Exponat kann der Wissenschaftsschwerpunkt Meeres-, Polar- und Klimaforschung der Uni Bremen erkundet werden. Grafik: Uni Bremen/MARUM
Registration for the accompanying program at the Übersee-Museum:

20.10., 17 Uhr: Vortrag von Prof. Ralf Bachmayer

Unterwasser-Roboter von der Küste in die Tiefsee – Erforschen, Erproben, Beobachten

29.10., 11 bis 15 Uhr Thementag „Von Wellen und Wirbeln“

11 Uhr, Vortrag von Dr. Jonas Löb

Interne Wellen – unsichtbare Riesen erschweren die Klimavorhersage

12 Uhr, Vortrag von Dr. Stephan Juricke

Wetter- vs. Klimavorhersagen: Wie funktionieren sie und was sind die Unterschiede

12:30 bis 13:30 Uhr, Kimamodell-Spiel

Interaktives Spiel für Groß und Klein