Technology tests off the coast of southern France

Feb 21, 2020
On board the ALKOR new technology components are tested. Photo: Marc Petrikowski
On board the ALKOR new technology components are tested. Photo: Marc Petrikowski

The canyon in front of St. Tropez in southern France is the destination of an expedition with the research vessel ALKOR. The cruise, led by Prof. Ralf Bachmayer, will focus on testing technologies for deep-sea observation systems. The remotely operated vehicle MARUM-SQUID will be used as a host and development platform to test observation methodologies as well as individual technology components.


These include, for example, a new light sensitive and energy efficient camera system, which is designed to dive in the near future with the new MANATEE vehicle platform developed and built at MARUM. MANATEE is an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) that will provide high resolution mapping of the ocean floor with minimal interference with its sensitive ecosystem.

The expedition is part of the cluster "The Ocean Floor - Unexplored Interface to the Earth" funded by the DFG. The journey will last from 21 February to 2 March 2020.